Has Planetcricket changed you?

Ofcourse its changed me. I used to have a life before it...
I would go along with saying I have changed since joining PlanetCricket, but I don't think the change has come from PlanetCricket. I have learnt a lot more about different cultures.
13000+ posts and about 5 years, I must have learnt something!

Gave me more ways to look at the world, to see things differently. Different points of view. Different perspectives. Other people's shoes and all that. I approach situations now with a more open mind, more willing to suggestions. Dunnow if that would have happened with this site or not, but it is certainly a change...
Nah, that change was well and truely down to my daughter and the deaths of a few of my friends.

But having said that, it is quite amazing that a person I've never physically met can notice a change in me.

Who says we haven't met?

It's a pretty strange world we live in now.


Seriously though, I've definitely noticed a change in your posts. You're still very strong on your morals, but your put your point across a lot better.
Yeah it has changed me.I learnt some new slangs and met some awesome foreign members.
Does the forum have a statistic for how long members have been logged in since their registrations? That would be a sad sight for me and a number of other members, I imagine. :p
Does the forum have a statistic for how long members have been logged in since their registrations? That would be a sad sight for me and a number of other members, I imagine. :p
I've probably wasted 2 years here. I could be playing for India now if I spent that time practicing cricket rather than talking about it...

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