Health/Diet/Weight Loss/Fitness Management


Respected Legend
PlanetCricket Award Winner
Apr 26, 2003
Was searching for some health tips all over the internet, and since I know quite a few people from this forum, more so fellow Indians who share many similarities with me, I thought this would be a good place to initiate a Health/Diet/Weight Loss/Fitness Management thread where we can share tips for losing weight, staying healthy, etc.

Been struggling for a very long time to reduce my body weight. The temptation for food is a very tough monster to kill. Its not the quantity of food that is a hurdle, but the kind of food that is the biggest hurdle. And the other big thing is to stay determined to hit the gym everyday. A few days of enthusiasm gives way for the rest of the time sitting at home and doing nothing. Any ideas or tips to get over these two monsters would be very helpful!


Recently ordered this new organic green tea "DoMatcha 2nd Harvest Organic Green Tea". The reviews on Amazon have been super glowing, and I just drank a glass of it and I must say, this is probably the most tasteful green tea that I have ever drunk (with 1/2 tsp of honey mixed). It looks super solid green when mixed with hot water, and can also be used for smoothies.

Not sure about its health benefits, but people say one cup of this is equal to 10 cups of regular steeped green tea.
Early in the morning, just try honey mixed with warm water. That helps a lot !!!
I've heard lot of people sayin' this but never tried !!!!
Try Sattvik Organics beauty products. They are just awesome ! Freakin awesome guys ! I have used them and my whole family uses that for Skincare and all.
Running,walking and jogging is probably the best way to lose fat.Join a gym! Good luck..:thumbs
Joining the gym is good. If you aren't bothered to go there often (every day is not required), buy a cross trainer or a treadmill or something for your house. Very good way to stay fit and healthy and takes up less time than the gym, especially if cardio is all you do at the gym.
Been struggling for a very long time to reduce my body weight. The temptation for food is a very tough monster to kill. Its not the quantity of food that is a hurdle, but the kind of food that is the biggest hurdle. And the other big thing is to stay determined to hit the gym everyday. A few days of enthusiasm gives way for the rest of the time sitting at home and doing nothing. Any ideas or tips to get over these two monsters would be very helpful!

I see your pain, came across a pic you had posted on the User Pics thread, you look obese at the least, never mind its good youre trying to improve, remember the most important thing in a diet regime is to gradually go into it, look at it as a lifestyle changing thing, stay away from processed wheat and rice eat more fruits and vegetables, join a gym and stay at it will always be the basics for any weight loss programme.
I see your pain, came across a pic you had posted on the User Pics thread, you look obese at the least, never mind its good youre trying to improve, remember the most important thing in a diet regime is to gradually go into it, look at it as a lifestyle changing thing, stay away from processed wheat and rice eat more fruits and vegetables, join a gym and stay at it will always be the basics for any weight loss programme.

That pic that you saw was one that was taken almost 10 years back. Have improved from that pic, but still the weight problem exists.


Early in the morning, just try honey mixed with warm water. That helps a lot !!!
I've heard lot of people sayin' this but never tried !!!!

Have started up on this. Honey and Lemon with warm water. My grandparents have been saying about this for decades now, but somehow getting up in the morning and remembering to do this was hard. Started and stopped this umpteen times. Hope this time, I go through with it.
My grandparents have been saying about this for decades now, but somehow getting up in the morning and remembering to do this was hard.

I know pal, I've been told to do so but never did it. What you can do is just put a alarm in your cell and if possible I'll do the same :D
I just saw these tips in a weight loss forum. Have been trying to follow most of this. Hope this helps people here trying to lose weight:

1. Eat breakfast lunch and dinner slowly. Take 20 min because it takes 20 min to brain that your stomach is filled. A kind of cheating the brain
2. Have hot water before half an hour of taking food. Also if you had any oily food have hot water after food(This tip will work if you had oily food in less quantity).
3. Apply moisturizer in body daily if you are in weight loss program. It reduces stretch marks.
4. Sleep for 7-8 hrs minimum.
5. If you are having fruit juices have it w/o sugar.
6. Keep it fresh in the refrigerator. When u feel like munching some junk food, eat 4 or 5 piece of cucumber.
7. Drink lots of green tea.It helps in increasing your burning rate .
8. Drinking Banana Stem juice reduces tummy
9. Drinking Green tea in empty stomach is good for health and weight loss
10.Consuming more water melon helps in weight loss
11.One simple exercise which increase metabolism is : Breathe out, Put ur head down (i.e. near ur chest) with breath hold, Shrink and contrast ur stomach, Breath should be locked and once u feel discomfort just leave and take breath, This will help to reduce weight as metabolism is will improve.
12.Honey with lemon in warm water - first thing in morning
13.Reduce sugar intake in coffee
14.Having green tea with pepper increases the metabolism
15.Having watermelon before dinner fills up the stomach, so the amount of rice consumed is less
16.Do stretches before you start with your exercise.. if you are burning 150 calories normally.. Doing stretches will burn calories easier and uniformly... People who see heaviness at one area is due to lack of stretches in that area.. (tummy thigh).. so do stretches for the whole body and feel the pain while actually stretching..
17.Do 50 squats every day; stand upright, bend at the knees to squating position, make sure knees do not go over toes; do 50 times keeping knees slightly bent when standing; wont take even 2 minutes a day; will start to see results in a week.
18.Take 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder mix with honey intake atleast twice a day to reduce weight.
I used to have my own weight problems in high school when I was too skinny/light. I weighed 140lbs. Since then, I changed my diet, started hitting the weights and now weigh 190lbs. Really happy with my progress :).
To be fair, You can trick the brain all you want. Exercise will get you the furthest and the shape you want. I suggest treadmill and even weights to make your fat look more in shape.
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I kinda have the Shravi problem, or the problem he once had I should say. I'm around the high 130/low 140 pound region, but I'm not all that bothered tbh, I'll get to it when I do. ;)
I kinda have the Shravi problem, or the problem he once had I should say. I'm around the high 130/low 140 pound region, but I'm not all that bothered tbh, I'll get to it when I do. ;)

That's the spirit. :)
I was overweight in school but then I was pretty lazy to do exercise or trouble my taste buds. What I did was I started eating just a bit less than what I normally used to. Say for e.g., if I used to eat 7 chapaatis normally, I reduced it to 5 1/2 to 6. That 1 chapaati did good in the long run as I my diet got reduced. Other thing I did was, I used to walk and cycle a lot. I used cycle to go everywhere on day to day works till I was 21! It helped me reduce a lot of weight and by the way, I ate everything except Junk/fast food. So basically my idea was to burn access fat I gain from overeating. It worked for me, you should give a try too.

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