Hey Sangamm, how's the old HD go'n mate - She ready rip for patch3

I'am waitinf too coz the cool blc patch 3 that I have made by sangamm is nothing very special.
"cool blc patch 3 that I have made by sangamm"
what does that mean ?
Oh!!! I read a few posts here saying it was great.
I think sangamm, the man himself, was quoted as saying
...100% improvement with the fielding :)
I think it was his post anyhow.
Hey I am sending the cblcp3 file to STE as well as to you gagan. Try out and tell me.
Hey ,
I have sent the file to charle... and gagan. I cannot send it to STE coz there is a problem, that I get a MAiler Daemon failure. Please If anyone of you two can send it to STe, please send it.

And other thing.... Why do I always get unregistered !!!!!!!!

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