HMV has started to ship pre-orders

Side note, its even worse for me because I have this funky old style mail box which is vertical. The mail lady has a tough time putting letters in it and she has told me to replace it, that was 6 months ago. I can't help but feel that she might get back at me by throwing my game away, haha I know its paranoia, but its IC10 dammit!

Mark added 1 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Sidenote, dutchad is being a grammar nazi, how long will that last :laugh

your working too hard dutchad! use the infraction button more!
Side note, its even worse for me because I have this funky old style mail box which is vertical. The mail lady has a tough time putting letters in it and she has told me to replace it, that was 6 months ago. I can't help but feel that she might get back at me by throwing my game away, haha I know its paranoia, but its IC10 dammit!

Mark added 1 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Sidenote, dutchad is being a grammar nazi, how long will that last :laugh

your working too hard dutchad! use the infraction button more!

You had two side-notes. Just need one more side for a triangle, and two more for a square.

OK, I *really* need IC10 :p
Whats the best way to kill time until I get it? 3 days, and im not even going to work!

I can't even play RDR anymore :( its lost its appeal now that I know a cricket game is in the post.
There's always a trip o Wall-Mart to buy another game if you've got the cash. Do you like UFC? It's becoming big in Australia now. And the new game, UFC10, is excellent.

Go to the cinema and watch a new release. Since you're taking days off work, go to the movies in the morning on a weekday. You'll probably be the only one there. You get the cinema basically all to yourself. Popcorn, drinks, hotdog.... it's all overpriced but it'll kill a few hours.

And you could always visit an attractive masseuse :D
I like the movie idea, think Ill go see Toy Story 3 tomorrow afternoon. Don't want to buy anymore games simply because as soon as IC10 gets here I won't touch it again.

I think I'll go to a movie a day till it gets here and my co-workers are taking me to a ...ahem gentlemans club to celebrate my new found freedom.

Still, Id give it all up for a copy of Ic10 in my hands now
Visit the art gallery I heard they have a nice piece (haha nice piece, man I'm funny :sarcasm)
I'm so bored of reading peoples IC10 reviews, and to make things worse we have a new member on the forums from the ███████ of the world ! FML
Yeah I think he was some LEE guy on a second account.
Whats the best way to kill time until I get it? 3 days, and im not even going to work!

I can't even play RDR anymore :( its lost its appeal now that I know a cricket game is in the post.

I totally agree! I was playing RDR non-stop for a couple of weeks and now it's just impossible to go back to it just now knowing that at some stage in the next 2-3 days I'll have IC2010.

I think passing the time by doing something else interesting other than games is the way.

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