How do you leave the ball?

I find not being able to leave the ball proporly really annoying because against murali/warne it's one of the safest wasys to keep my wicket.

Of course, if you're playing as straus/gatting it's probably not a good idea to try to 'leave' warne :cool:
Steeev said:
Reverse swing eh? I likes the sound of THAT!
How do you do it?

Yeah, How do you do the reverse swing. I thought that there was only conventional swing in the game.
just press the opposite button, ie 7 for conventional swing and 9 for reverse swing, for example (note: this is when bowling to right handers).

btw, when can you sweep, because i got my career player to 100 batting skill (after playing bangladesh on slog mode-rofl) but i cant unlock any abilities, ive taken a few wickets and i put my career player as wicket keeper to catch the ball, but i dont get nuthin.
paceattack said:
my point exactly
Hmm? indeed. How exactly can this be defined as reverse swing when you don?t actually choose which direction the shiny side of the ball is facing?
Yeah, it's basically just left and right and not conventional and reverse.
I am just guessing that right comes into the right handed batsmen so it is inswing. Definitely no reverse swing though.

Is it possible to have the batsmen caught at short leg by a quickie (ie by balling shor and beating him for boounce and taking the catch at forward shortleg). I have been trying all sorts of different things while bowling (not many different dismissals though).
Short leg can take gloved catches, even mistimed cuts and hooks can go to short leg, leg slip and occasionally silly mid off.

In this game reverse swing does sort of exist. Granted you can not push one way on the swing and get it swing the other way. But around the 40 over mark, the quicker bowlers get some swing again after losing most of it between 25-40 overs. From 50 overs onwards the swing dies back down again. So to an extent it exists.
paceattack said:
Is it possible to have the batsmen caught at short leg by a quickie (ie by balling shor and beating him for boounce and taking the catch at forward shortleg). I have been trying all sorts of different things while bowling (not many different dismissals though).

I've done it, mainly against Bangladesh, but have done it a couple of times against Australia.
puddleduck said:
Short leg can take gloved catches, even mistimed cuts and hooks can go to short leg, leg slip and occasionally silly mid off.

In this game reverse swing does sort of exist. Granted you can not push one way on the swing and get it swing the other way. But around the 40 over mark, the quicker bowlers get some swing again after losing most of it between 25-40 overs. From 50 overs onwards the swing dies back down again. So to an extent it exists.

cool - I shall keep on trying. Do you bowl really short in order to do this?
i tried doing that, and all i kept getting were bowleds, all good though now i just play normally and only do exhibition so i can bat both innings. kinda sucks, thats only in one dayers if i am playing a test i don't do that.
If your bowling short to try to get the short legs involved, it often works best against poor batsman or tailenders, although occasionally a Pontings gloved one straight to short leg. Normally takes some varied pace bouncers, maybe a quick one, a slow one, a special one that swings a lot from wide into the body. Often seems a touch more luck that deliberate though.

Length wise it's pretty short, on a normal wicket with a hard new ball roughly the umpires hat, maybe a tad shorter, but each wicket bounces different amounts :)
puddleduck said:
If your bowling short to try to get the short legs involved, it often works best against poor batsman or tailenders, although occasionally a Pontings gloved one straight to short leg. Normally takes some varied pace bouncers, maybe a quick one, a slow one, a special one that swings a lot from wide into the body. Often seems a touch more luck that deliberate though.

Length wise it's pretty short, on a normal wicket with a hard new ball roughly the umpires hat, maybe a tad shorter, but each wicket bounces different amounts :)

thanks for the tips

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