How do you play the sweep shot in BLIC05?

Steeev said:
Sounds like you're timing the ball too late, or not pressing the attacking shot button. Try playing the shot a little earlier. Cover drives are relatively simple to play, though you may tend to edge to the keeper quite often if the timing's out, or you hit against the spin.

which keys should i use for cover drive ??? i m using the attacking shot button but tell me the keys plz ....
bottom left angle like, towards the covers dude i play that off the back and front foot all the time it looks good :)
i can only hit the ball in there diagonal-downwards

for some reason when i try to drive on the ground, the batsmen just leaves it, i can hit it in the air fine, i cant hit it diagonal down along the legside as well, should i re-install or is this just a error.
are you using a controler or keyboard? if you are using a controller check that all the buttons and stuff are going properly in the control panel. if its the keyboard maybe you have to many keys pressed, 4 keys is the maximum i think.
woosaah said:
bottom left angle like, towards the covers dude i play that off the back and front foot all the time it looks good :)

front and back foot shots.. how u play these shots and i didn,t understand the cover drive shot plz can u explain more ...thanks
and tell me the keys of keyboard u use for cover drive..
Basically:- A + S and at the right time 2 (on the number pad)
As for front and back foot.. It's automatic, depending on when you hit the ball.
Steeev said:
Basically:- A + S and at the right time 2 (on the number pad)
As for front and back foot.. It's automatic, depending on when you hit the ball.

when i play eith A+S .. batsman just leaves tha ball :(
fahad12001 said:
when i play eith A+S .. batsman just leaves tha ball :(

u have to press 2 or 6 with those 2 buttons. also if your timing is wrong it will automatically leave the ball.

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