I got Cricket 2005

JANER said:
My local PC shop which is normally the best had no copies til a week away!! so went down to Game and they had 1 left!! Not saying they sold many mind as there is not much of a demand for cricket in Ireland.
Is the ICC Trophy not getting much hype in the press then?
There is absolutely no way in hell that i am buying this game after the monumental **** up that was last years version.

if i can be bothered to waste the bandwidth, i MIGHT get myself a copy, but then again i probably won't. especially as the version i'd be most interested in - the xbox - is also the one with the biggest problems.

how can you not notice the save option not working during beta testing ffs? oh, that's right, HB don't beta test their games, that's pretty obvious...
is anyone having trouble with misfields in pc version
cos i am having trouble with cpu fielding nearly 1
every over
Got the xbox version today and it's going back,the game is poor beyond belief.the batting is terrible and no save game.poor,poor,poor
I have waited like an expectant mother for this game during the last few weeks. Read all of the forum notes, downloaded the demo and believed the hype.

I now process the copy I so longed for, even skipped the afternoon of work to play the game.

Finally all of my fears were confirmed, that this current version is crap!

I have commented previously that after "Ste" released his Sky Sports TV overlay that this is now Cricket 2005.

The so called enhancements doesn't justify my hard earned cash.

Limited stadiums, difficult controls and just because it really is nothing special and I'm more than happy with Cricket 2004.

The community as worked so hard with patches, editors, graphics and gameplay, that I believe that we have worked harder than EA Sports this year.

I brought Cricket 2000 and all the other series and have witnessed the steady process, however this year it smells of a "rush job" to obtain sales from "the Ashes" and the interest from "BLIC".

I ask EA Sports to listen to its customers and try again, they often come up with 1 turkey every few years like FIFA 2004, I just pray that next time they get it right.

'GAME' can expect me to return my copy on Monday.
SkateBoarder2 said:
I have played Cricket 2005 for longer now and I can comment on what I think about it.

This is what may put a lot off people buying it, but the gameplay is much the same as in Cricket 2004. Some tweaks have been made to the CPU pacing files, as the CPU now plays defensive and aggressive at just the right moments. This time around playing the game is actually fun, and taking a wicket feels like a massive achievement.

The graphics are an extraordinary improvement over Cricket 2004. The grounds look realistic and smooth and the player models are brilliant, including the faces. You can easily recognize Jason Gillespie and Brett Lee for starters. Nice addition is expressions on the player's faces. The bowler will be angry if the umpire turns down an LBW appeal and the captain looks worried if the match is in a tight situation.

I suggest everyone should at least rent the game or play it sometime, as you will regret it if you don't.

Cricket 2005 is on two discs, but disc two does a very small job in installation. I am going to read the manual soon.

If anyone would like any specific screenshots that you would like me to take then please post a request on this thread.

Lee :cool:

yeah, can you post a screenshot of a match taking place in the night time.


andrew_nixon said:
Is the ICC Trophy not getting much hype in the press then?
**** did'nt even know it was on at the moment, If it is I am sure it would be in the broadsheets.

c7srh said:
I have waited like an expectant mother for this game during the last few weeks. Read all of the forum notes, downloaded the demo and believed the hype.

I now process the copy I so longed for, even skipped the afternoon of work to play the game.

Finally all of my fears were confirmed, that this current version is crap!

I have commented previously that after "Ste" released his Sky Sports TV overlay that this is now Cricket 2005.

The so called enhancements doesn't justify my hard earned cash.

Limited stadiums, difficult controls and just because it really is nothing special and I'm more than happy with Cricket 2004.

The community as worked so hard with patches, editors, graphics and gameplay, that I believe that we have worked harder than EA Sports this year.

I brought Cricket 2000 and all the other series and have witnessed the steady process, however this year it smells of a "rush job" to obtain sales from "the Ashes" and the interest from "BLIC".

I ask EA Sports to listen to its customers and try again, they often come up with 1 turkey every few years like FIFA 2004, I just pray that next time they get it right.

'GAME' can expect me to return my copy on Monday.
I have no problems with the controls?
I also like the way the game is much harder, BLIC is so damned easy and arcadey.
Commentry is totally apalling in EA 2005 though,it's like commentry from games years ago, high speech here, low speech there and unseemlessly joined together.
c7srh said:
Limited stadiums, difficult controls and just because it really is nothing special and I'm more than happy with Cricket 2004.

So then why get 2005 if you are happy with 2004?
I have taken some screenshots of a match between New Zealand and South Africa at Auckland. It was a day-night match so zreh's request has been met.

I am currently working on duffarama's request for a screenshot of Shane Warne and Ian Harvey. I will post them soon.


The stadium at Auckland is under floodlights and Cricket 2005's lighting effects are brilliant.


New Zealand captain Stephen Fleming inspects the white ball between overs.


Jacques Rudolph prepares to face the next delivery from New Zealand's Cullinan.

If you have any more requests feel free to post them in this thread. Thanks. ;)
i must say the first pic looks excellent.
No. You can't get rid of the bar and you can't change the camera angle.
On the PS2 version, has anyway mastered the nurdling it around ala Collingwood in ODI's? If the field is rung (point, cover, extra cover, mid-off, mid-on, mid-wicket, square leg), is it even possible for you to get the ball past these on the ground for ones, twos or fours? Even on easy when the field is rung, the only way i can score runs is hitting it over the top, which is good in a way, but i also think i should be able to hit it though. Maybe i'm timing it wrong, mid wicket is the worst one, ive not once hit the ball through mid-wicket when there has been a fielder their. Games looking pretty good though.
Skateboarder i take it the D/A/S are the type of deliveries available to use?

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