I find Maths extremely interesting. According to me, it develops logic.
As for people who think maths is useless, and they just need to do addition, subtraction etc, Let me remind you, you don't need maths for that- You need a calculator.
For me, Probability, Permutation & Combination, Mensuration, Commercial Mathematics are the most interesting and important topics one should have knowledge about.
Think about it - In today's competitive world, if you are unable to understand when you are going to gain, and when you stand to lose, and by how much, people will take you for a ride. You will not be able to take your own decisions confidently.
I would like to add, I was once a calculus hater. I could not stand integration and differentiation, but over a period of time, developed a liking, and became comfortable.
I talk from experience, and looking around me, even in my class, people try to memorize formulas and theorems, which can be easily deduced by logical thinking.