ICC 3 - very disappointing

disappointed that the australian database has seemingly been halved. it seems strange that they would purposely remove players from icc 06.. but anyway. also, im not sure if i am doing something wrong or not here, but english players do not seem to be participating in a county season when i manage the england national team. for example i dropped a couple of players to see how they would go in first-class cricket, only to find that they havent played any!
i do agree with griffo but we asked for better highlights
they should focus on things like contracts/transfers/player interaction/and more detail and i think if they sell this copy well they will take it opn another step
im only half way through my first season with durham, the scores may not be realistic but the results seem to be, i found it a little too easy in previous versions to dominate from the first season.

i do hope however that they have sorted out the central contracts on this, because when you have a star that is going off to play every international and doesnt get one after 50 test but a wicket keeper who never plays first class or test gets one its a little annoying
It's not much different from previous ICCs, but it's still so addictive.

Couldnt agree more with sid the shark....

They have just made the game harder, changed the skin and put in a new match engine (which was copied of cricket 2007). This i think is a cheap way of making money. Just like Man United's new home shirt, basically the same, only minor differences. Anyone agree?

What makes you think ICC 3's match engine was copied from Cricket 07? They're not at all similar!
They have based the graphics and match engine on cricket 07.

How have they based the graphics on cricket 07?The graphics are totally different from one another.How can they base a match engine on a game where you control the players and team on the field to one that you just have to manage?Also looking at your posts you don't seem to know too much about that game to be honest.

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