ICC confirms 10 teams for next two World Cups

Ideally 12 would be the right number for me following the 99 WC format however as mentioned it's more not giving the other nations a chance. I just don't like excluding teams that could one day win the WC. If we had said the same about SL after their 5th WC we wouldn't have seen them win the 96 WC and then follow up with back to back final placing in the last two WC. Whatever was done with needs to be done with the other nations.
@Mark @Sai @War that's still backwards logic that doesn't justify Bangladesh and Zimbabwe playing over Ireland without qualifiers.

And Ireland HAVE shown consistent performance than Bangladesh in this WC and are higher ranked than Zimbabwe in ODI's.

You're already saying no nonelitist nation can ever become good in ODI's yet there's one here clearly trying to break the glass that's been covered and made bulletproof. That is the definition of killing ODI cricket though it doesn't look bad when you force them to be only good in T20's on the other hand right.

Well i cant speak for those other two. But i said from the inception that the ICC where wrong to guaranteed ZIM & BANG a place in the next world-cup so far out & not Ireland based on their last two world cup efforts.

Their certainly should be a qualification tournament for the final two spots in the 10 team 50 over world-cup & hopefully sometime in the next 4 years its not too late for the ICC to rethink that decision i hope.
BBC Sport - Cricket - Ireland consider legal challenge to 2015 World Cup blow

I say do it. Its a do-or-die basically for Irish cricket at this point. T20 won't make up for an opportunity to play Tests for England. Lack of sponsors, lack of training, players will retire with no next generation. If Ireland wins, this could give a new level of hype to cricket in Ireland and I can guarantee if they win, they'd really want to make their statement at WC 2015 and whatever that's going to be its guaranteed to be better than Zimbabwe and Bangladesh's performance at that tournament, no freakin' doubt. They've shown consistently improving performance in two consecutive World Cups now.
I think it would be pretty foolish to challenge in court, just for the effect it would have on their relationship with the ICC. That would be a good way to ensure they don't play Test cricket for a long time. I think the longer they go on about it, the less people will sympathise.
I think it would be pretty foolish to challenge in court, just for the effect it would have on their relationship with the ICC. That would be a good way to ensure they don't play Test cricket for a long time. I think the longer they go on about it, the less people will sympathise.

Like that's going to happen anytime sooner if they don't challenge ICC in court? :lol

They know what they're doing. The management has been crying about loss of sponsors since the day the decision was announced. At least they'll go down fighting this way and IF Ireland wins anything, it'll set a very important precedent for the treatment of associates compared to undeserving full minnows and growth of cricket in general.
Ideally 12 would be the right number for me following the 99 WC format however as mentioned it's more not giving the other nations a chance. I just don't like excluding teams that could one day win the WC. If we had said the same about SL after their 5th WC we wouldn't have seen them win the 96 WC and then follow up with back to back final placing in the last two WC. Whatever was done with needs to be done with the other nations.

spot on dude, cant agree more on that :thumbs


Maybe ICC is trying to kill 50over and test cricket. and they are doing a good job of that too:facepalm

by giving test for BAG and ZIM, test cricket will go to dumps
and with blocking nationas like ireland same thing would be for the 50 over as well

good job ICC :thumbs
Featuring in a World Cup attracts more fans to cricket than not showing up. I can give several first-hand examples - I know Canadians and Zimbabweans watch their first game of cricket because of the current World Cup. FFS I even know Indians and Pakistanis who watched their first ever games this World Cup. So what if their nations lost or got beaten - it served as an introduction to the game, it made the public aware of the sport and maybe, just maybe, it caught the imagination of a couple of youngsters. And that's what the goal is, isn't it? To get youngsters into the sport and get them playing. Not playing in a WC is far more detrimental than playing in one.

Yeah, but no one is going to watch 5 hours of their team getting thrashed in a sport in which they have had no prior interest in. The game is not going to spread in this way. The T20 WC would be a better way to introduce the game for non-Test nations because:

a) It's shorter
b) Reduces the skill gap between the teams, so the Associates have more of a chance of pulling upsets.
c) It's still a WC, so still holds that that national patriotism

And FFS if competitiveness is an issue then get rid of Zim, BD and West Indies as well why don't you? Why do their mediocre performances assure them spots in future WC when sides like Ireland and Kenya (in the past) put up just as good performances but now have no place?

I agree with you on this. Which is why I stated that there should be a qualifying Quantagular Cup between the bottow 2 test nations and the top 2 Associate nations.

And competitveness is an issue. What determines the success of a WC is first and foremost the quality of games.

Silly logic. You can't argue ifs and buts over something that has happened. Fact is Ireland were competitive in every game and even Canada and Kenya showed moments of resilience. The minnows definitely put up more of a fight this WC, and to cut them out immediately after is just silly.

I agree about Ireland - they certainly don't deserve the cold shoulder the ICC has given them after their performances. But the others were right down appaling. The only brillance Holland showed was against England, and the only resiliance Canada showed were against Pak, and that too because of Pak's unpredictable batting. All the other were boring, predicatble one-sided affairs.

No one's disagreed that. Read my posts. Just because it's difficult to spread doesn't mean we should stop trying; that Elitist attitude is exactly what turns people away from the sport and is exactly why it's dying. 'Oh, it's too difficult and long and steeped in History and Tradition, we aren't even going to bother explaining it to you. You won't understand'.

It's not being Elitist, it's being realistic. Fact of the matter is very few people appreciate the game. Not a pleasant fact, but it's true. God knows how many times I've tried to convice my friends to watch the game. It's not that we can't be bothered to explain, it's they can't be bothered to understand.

The ICC are still trying to spread the game, through T20. And that is the best medium for the game to spread. Once they get into T20, and start being competitive, then we can start to introduce them to 50 overs and so on.
Like that's going to happen anytime sooner if they don't challenge ICC in court? :lol

They know what they're doing. The management has been crying about loss of sponsors since the day the decision was announced. At least they'll go down fighting this way and IF Ireland wins anything, it'll set a very important precedent for the treatment of associates compared to undeserving full minnows and growth of cricket in general.

Well I don't know the inner workings of it I'll admit. But Ireland taking the ICC to court seems like taking your boss to court because he chose someone else for a promotion - that kind of action would NOT help your relationship with your boss. I really don't see what Ireland can do, they are only associate members. You can't have less important members of a club taking the more important ones to court demanding they get more of a say. It's just the way power works unfortunately.
Yeah but it needs to change. I think its better than just sitting quite. According to reports the Irish chief there apparently talked with ICC to get some ODI's going for them and he said he received a positive response. THIS is how ICC is developing ODI cricket.

Also Zimbabwe rejected the Irish invitation to play ODI's with them. Ireland should send an invitation to Bangladesh now.
Well, actually I agree with what Aussie1st said in his post. 12 members - 8 Test nations + 4 minnows (Bangladesh, Ireland, Netherlands and Zimbabwe) is a perfect format.

Also, I think cricket in Ireland has reached more than just 'introducing'. The sport has already become popular thanks to their successful 2007 WC campaign and the team has proved their talent from time to time.
Of course, cricket has to be introduced by the dint of T20s to the non-cricketing nations, like the USA, rest of Europe, Canada etc. but I don't think that the same can be applied to Ireland. They are actually demanding the ICC to let them play the longer formats; the USA, France etc. won't - ever.
Hopefully the right decision is made this time. 12 teams looks like the perfect number going by how the teams performed in the WC just gone by.

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