ICC Fixture Editor (Now Supports 2016)

I tried to download this again, but the zip doesn't seem to include the .exe file any more. Just wondering if anyone would mind uploading it? Thanks!
Can we edit the domestic team fixtures of cricket captain 2010?and please update the link there no download option anymore
I think the source code for one of the old fixture editors is available online somewhere, so it could be updated for 2019. If I remember correctly, it was coded in C#.
If it could be update it will be great. Link provided to this form for fixture was not working.
@lish2642 It can be updated, but someone needs to take the time to do it. The source code can be downloaded here. It is written in C# with WPF.

I had zero C# programming experience before I wrote the Cricket Captain Editor. Therefore, if someone is interested in having a Fixture Editor, then they could download that code and learn how to update it.

For now, I am focused on the Cricket Captain Scout. However, if I can find time later, I may be interested in updating the Fixture Editor. It looks like it has been written by a professional programmer, so would be a good opportunity to learn from an expert.

It is interesting that a minor fix was added to the source code 12 days ago. Therefore, it is possible that Isura is already working on an update.
@weetabixharry I tried going over and run the existing code using existing file from this forum, it error out. I was not able to figure out what was causing the error. Sight hint how to open or make it run with old file will help.
Also link provided by @isuraed doesnot have the executable file.
@weetabixharry I tried going over and run the existing code using existing file from this forum, it error out. I was not able to figure out what was causing the error. Sight hint how to open or make it run with old file will help.
Also link provided by @isuraed doesnot have the executable file.

You can build the executable using Microsoft Visual Studio, which you can download for free here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/community/. Open windowsapp/Fixtures.sln and hit build. The executable will then appear in windowsapp\bin\Debug or windowsapp\bin\Release, depending on your build options.

The code is pretty well commented, so you should be able to read through it and eventually understand it. It might take a long time if you don't have much programming experience. But google has all the information you need.
@weetabixharry, I was able to get the fixture editor working, Thanks to you. However need your guideline on how to publish/share the executable file. Sharing executable file by itself will work or will I need to share all the files within Debug folder?


Below is screenshot of editor with quick test by adding test match
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If you want to release the application to other people, you should probably do a Release build. To do that, change from "Debug" to "Release" as shown in the screenshot below. The difference between Debug and Release depends on some configuration, but usually Release will run more smoothly once you're sure the application is working.

Then you should just need to upload windowsapp\bin\Release\Fixtures.exe and nothing else.

Hey, did you manage to get it uploaded somewhere, I would be interested.
I wrote the fixture editor. It is available on github under MIT license so anyone is free to modify it. I'm just too busy to work on this much anymore and have lost interest in ICC (also working on my own cricket management game as a side project). But I'm happy to review any pull requests and give pointers on how to modify the code.

https://github.com/isuraed/iccfixtureeditor[DOUBLEPOST=1593742855][/DOUBLEPOST]Upgrading the editor for new versions is fairly straightforward but tedious (unless they changed the fixture file format in new versions -- unlikely). If you look at code there is some flag for debug mode which shows the hex codes for the different teams/countries. Those always change with each version so you have to manually take a fixture file, try load it (the teams will be all wrong), then update the csv files that have the mapping of team names to hex codes. Not too hard but time consuming.
@Isura Thanks for this very useful information. I plan to find time to do this within the next 2 weeks.

I would love to hear more about your cricket management game. Is it something you plan to release publicly in the end?
I have made a little bit of progress updating the Fixture Editor for 2020. I think I have got most of the match types set up correctly, so it at least finishes loading a CC 2020 fixtures file.

Next, I need to set up the team names (a few are right, but a lot are showing as "T.B.D.").

I also failed to create a new Version (I can't figure out how the project resources are built), so I'm currently "borrowing" 2016 for 2020.


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