Wow this again !!
Been busy my friend & i deliberately avoided responding back because of some of the humorously shocking statement that simply gave me a headache. But i divulge one agin..
You don't have to tell me about the headaches man, I know of them all too well.
If there is one thing sports fan should learn also from FIFA & IOC corruption scandals is that when journalist make these kind of assertions, once has to take it seriously& shouldn't rule certain things out. FIFA was being accused of corruption by journalist for 25 years & its only now with the FBI getting involved that the years of digging that they are getting some sort of vindication.
My position is clear and simple. I stand with the many cricket notable cricket journalist who i know that make these claims behind the scenes.
Yeah to sum up, you read a conspiracy theory from some journalist and that is why ICC is knee deep in corrpution.
What is even worse is that you are saying that some conspiracy theory once was proven to be correct about FIFA, and so all conspiracy theories are likely to be correct. Its like saying I once saw a monkey typing on a keyboard, and the first two letters he typed were "be", which is an actual word, so therefore all monkeys must know how to type correctly.
Hats off for that.
Good lord, you really need to stop talking about football man ha. How is it that you are reading the quote in bold and interpreting it as "ICC plays a more active role in associate nations than FIFA" is simply dumb.
Yeah thx for some needless advice. Your football arguments really make me laugh though, so I won't tell you to stop. Lol, wasnt it you who said that Champs League in football is all about building a team and qualifying, and then trying to win the CL next year "with the same lot of players" LoL.
Though one thing I will tell you stop, is that you need to stop reading conspiracy theories and then using them as the basis for arguments, and on the basis of conspiracy theories labeling bodies as corrupt.
So let me try this again.
FIFA has set up very simple developmental programmes for national federations to follow under the presidency tenures of Joe Havelange & Blatter which makes it easy for teams to grow from youth to senior level. Of course you don't expect Japan to ever rival Brazil soon because of that, since it takes a certain extra amount of co-operate money along with certain nations unique talent shaping secrets to mold a football player of a Pele/Ronaldo/Zico level.
Therefore in world football their is no excuse why most teams at least can be a solid defensive team with the one or two skilled players. The nations that struggle to do this is because of lapses national federations make in not adhering to that development fan or unique country circumstances like a place like India where cricket is dominant sport in the hearts of people or Canada where ice-hockey rules etc
Ah this again. You fail to understand the difference between having some programmes in place and taking an actual hands on approach in the development of the sport in the country. FIFA has some mechanical programmes in place. If you want to develop football, FIFA will give you some basic things you require and some structure and set you on your way, but from there on, its the National Football body's headache. ICC has a much more hands on approach and regularly monitors the development.
I prefer the hands on approach to development. You may prefer the one that FIFA takes. However what cannot be in dispute is that ICC has a more hands on approach to development of the sport in the associate nations.
A goal-project then is targeted mainly to help specific nations build on the aforementioned development structure layed out to them by FIFA. FIFA does not need to do like ICC & go into a country & be very hands on in the development programme. Cricket is sport that is not global so that's the approach ICC needs. But as i showed you before in previous articles all in the ICC is not on the same page with developing a holistic global strategy of growing the game.
Ah finally you get it. I prefer the hands on development approach, which ICC has and FIFA clearly doesn't. No one is saying that FIFA's programme is not more widespread, of course it is as there are more countries playing football. However a hands on approach to me is better than a generic same for all approach which only takes a nation so far and then leaves them to do the rest on their own.
Maybe those nations are some of unique cases where maybe the very good FIFA development plans have not worked well (nothing is perfect) or maybe as i mentioned above their maybe unique country factors at play. But their lack of progression is moot because over 90% of Asia is grown in football & the AFC world cup qualifiers are very competitive which is why Australia decided to ask FIFA to
I am sorry what. Did you say Aus chose to come to AFC because it found qualification in the Oceania group not competitive enough. And you have the nerve to tell me to stop talking about football. Lol. Like I said your football talk makes me laugh so I wont tell you to stop.
Just to let you know though, Australia joined AFC, because in the Oceania group they could never get to the WC. Winning Oceania was a walk in the park for them, but then they were required to play a play-off with the 5th place team in S. America qualifiers, and they would get knocked out. AFC actually has direct places in the WC, and Australia could beat the Asian sides to qualify and hence they chose to head over to AFC.
So it was not because AFC was competitive, but because they thought it was an easier route to get into the WC, than playing the S. America playoff.
India in case you didn't know are also hosting their first notable global football competition next year in the 2017 U-17 world cup -
2017 FIFA U-17 World Cup - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Football indeed may never capture the imagination of the entire IND public over cricket, similarly to how hardcore american won't ever gravitate to it over NBA/NFL/MLB - but maybe with overtime hosting that tournament along with the ISL league is the foundations of the sport gaining a serious enough nationwide traction.
The thing is Indians really really want a good football side, and Football and Cricket can co-exist easily. Even now the initial qualification rounds for the WC has drawn a good deal of interest, in India matches. The only thing is that the Indian side is just so bad, that it never wins a game. Even now it lost both its matches so far. The one home match against Oman, had a crowd of nearly 20000. Thats for a team that is said to have little following, and even lesser shot at winning.
You are consistently missing the point that FIFA corruption at the executive level of Blatter & co has nothing to do with their very good administrative work. So i'm trying without luck far to explain that dynamic to you.
And you are consistently missing the point that ICC and all its incompetence do not make it corrupt. Thats what I am trying to make you understand without luck so far. That is the the point that this argument started on, whether ICC is corrupt and I have trying to tell you, its not. Incompetent, you may say they are incompetent, but corrupt has a very specific meaning and ICC has had not major corruption issues.
Haha really man stop talking about football.
lol this again. Never stop talking about football man, you really crack me up with all the football knowledge you shower around here. lol.
UEFA having those large amount of WC places has nothing to do with any dominance over FIFA.
Europe has about 53 countries and based on the logical fact that they are the BIGGEST CONTINENT ON EARTH with the most competitive teams, their quota in world cup is very fair

Really don't let football people hair you.
Lol, see you crack me up when you try to shower your football knowledge around. Europe has 47 offical recognised countries (50 if you count UK as four seperate nations) and not 53.
Countries Listed by Continents - The continent with most nations is Africa with 54.
Also writing that Europe is the "biggest continent in world", in BLOCK LETTERS, doesn't actually make the statement any less laughable you know. The biggest continent on earth is not Europe, not in regard to area, not in regard to population and not in regard to having the most nations. The only thing UEFA has going for it is that it does have a lot fo the big football teams, and big teams sell more tickets. That is why UEFA does armtwist FIFA into having more teams.
You didn't deny the armtwisting, you just tries to sugarcoat it as something natural, because Europe has strong teams, and ... er ... because europe is the largest continent in the world !! (and because Europe as 53 countires, when it only has 50).
If UEFA who are the financially strongest confederation had any power over FIFA, Sepp Blatter would have been ousted more than a decade ago. In case you were on vacation out of the planet in recent times UEFA has been Blatter biggest adversaries regularly calling for him to step down with no luck.
If UEFA can't kick Blatter out, that doesnt mean they don't get other benfits, most notably extra WC spots. Why ... because big name teams sell.
Which is the problem with cricket post Packer. ICC never became a proper revenue earning independent governing body with its own funds, so that when IND rose up as the financial powerhouse - they have used it manipulate ICC and now the Big three set-up. Why is this so hard to grasp?
Nothing about the big three is hard to grasp, nor is the fact that India rose up as a powerhouse and helped set up the big three. But when was the setting up of big three ever the point of this FIFA and ICC argument. The point is ICC depends on the members for funds, and thus is restricted in its outreach. It can only work with those who come to it, and can't like FIFA have a programme for everyone, including those who are not really bothered about the development of Football in their nation.
UEFA with all its money as a confederation, England with all its money as a federatio due to the premier league, Brazil with all their money due to their historical status & power in football - can't manipulate/influence FIFA because of that financial strength. In the right hands that is good for the sport, but unfortunately those in power at FIFA at the EXECUTIVE LEVEL (please remember the distinction) have abused this.
FIFA has been influenced, by those in power and with money. How else do you think Qatar and Russia got their WCs to being with. The point is that somehow you want to draw a line between the kind of open influence BCCI excersises over ICC, and the secret shady influence that ppl excercise over FIFA officials and thus ultimately FIFA through the use of birbes. Both are influences, and I prefer the one that BCCI does to the one where bribes are involved.
Yup everyone does, and yet you want to argue for FIFA. Better to be incompetant at running a sport, than to be really good at it and then aid human rights violations.
Look we agree on many things.
We agree that FIFA has a wider outreach, but ICC has a more hands on approach. I feel a more hands on approach is better, you seem to favor the FIFA route. That is a thing of opinion.
We both agree FIFA is corrupt and ICC is not. ICC you say is incompetant, and I say I dont have a problem if you think ICC is incompetant, but calling ICC corrupt is another thing entirely.