immangi's face downloads

immangi dont think u r a brilliant for giving passwords to the file. wat a self wish man u r.
Naved. I dont think that is quite fair. Even if you might have meant it for fun, it looks arrogant.

What is the whole point in password protecting a file that you have put for downloads? Want us to beg?
Don't worry if immangi doesn't give you the password I'll be able to crack it.
i dont care wat u think i m talking to both of u jaiti84 & m baleeeeee
hondeyho go n crack it n tell me wat u get lol
Well, would you please post a version without a passoword on it so that people like me, who genuinely are interested in Dhoni's face can download it?
wait a min a downloaded ure Pakistan face pack 2 and only Shoaib Akthers face worked everyone else's the same y how can i fix this prob?
punk sk8r said:
wait a min a downloaded ure Pakistan face pack 2 and only Shoaib Akthers face worked everyone else's the same y how can i fix this prob?
use unique face patch & a new roster which supports unique face patch
thats it no big deal
punk sk8r said:
i do use unique face patch and wot roster?

could u send link for new roster
Here is the roster


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