Imported kit problem


School Cricketer
Sep 8, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
I have just imported some kits using Graphics Importer and when I play the game all the imported kits are messed up graphics wise. Here are some screenshots



Can anyone help me out on this matter?

Thanks in advance
Don't know why this happens but several people have this problem, try installing the kit from this zip, its not in GI format so you'll have to unzip and install manually
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kevmead said:
Don't know why this happens but several people have this problem, try installing the kit from this zip, its not in GI format so you'll have to unzip and install manually

I did that and I'm still getting the same problem.
The only thing i have find to correct this is to reduce the 512.BMP to 256 colours and save, then resize the 512.bmp to 256.bmp then save as 256, do the same for the rest 128,64,32,16,8, then import using the gi
Dazza do you mean you have to use the 512px image to make the 128px and then the 512 to make the 64 etc
i just reduce the 512 to 256 then 256 to 128, 128 to 64 and so on. the quality isn't as good because you are reducing from 256(8bit) colours rather than the 16bit, but i find it fixes the problem.
Ok, that's how I used to make my kits, until I wrote an action to do the resizing for me

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