India in Pakistan

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Brilliant delivery from Asif, India in real trouble now but they've avoided the follow on :p
ok so it is ganguly so india just mite end the day losing 4 wickets
Laxman out to a great ball! On par with Zaheer Khan's ball to Inzi in the last match. The game is even here. I think Dhoni and Pathan are going to rescue India again, hopefully.
dude how do u type so fast...i just saw it live...sachin bowled terrible terrible
hondeyho said:
Brilliant delivery from Asif, India in real trouble now but they've avoided the follow on :p
Laul, what did I say about Razzaq. any takers!!!!:laugh:laugh:laugh:rtfl:rtfl:rtfl
India in real big trouble now, I don't see them getting quite far unfortunatly.
Adarsh said:
Laxman out to a great ball! On par with Zaheer Khan's ball to Inzi in the last match. The game is even here. I think Dhoni and Pathan are going to rescue India again, hopefully.

r u serious dravid couldnt play how the hell these youngster gonna play
donkey said:
ok so it is ganguly so india just mite end the day losing 4 wickets
make that 5 now.
Btw way boys come on in the chatroom. I and hondeyho were having a good time. I've relogged back in.
Wahindiawah said:
Another rubbish batsman by Pak.Hameed is far better
For a start he is not Rubbish, He is ?Imran Farhat? a ?young Batsman? will soon be a big player, for a second I am so angry I feel like breaking your head off, You go call your own Indian Players Rubbish, did I say anything bad to any of your players. I can like who ever I want and you dare call any Pakistani player ?Rubbish?.

I wasn?t trying to start a fight here, but Calling Imran Farhat ?Rubbish?
:mad :mad :mad

Anyway, leaving that Mad Guy's Comments.

Hurray Imran farhat is back , Hurry , :happy :happy Come on Imran.
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