India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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My justification for calling the monkey chants racist was the fact that Herschelle Gibbs was found guilty of racism for calling Pakistani fans 'a bunch of monkeys.'

I heard the Herschelle Gibbs is actually of recent black African decent. Not confirmed though.
how's this any different to the english chants to australians "2 dollars to the pound". It's all innocent, harden up.
Great point. We could say the English are racist towards us cause they call us convicts? But we dont.....

As Chopper Reid would say, Harden the **** up, lol
But thats not racist it's a fact, unlike the Indians who will either be on holiday or have visas. :p
I heard the Herschelle Gibbs is actually of recent black African decent. Not confirmed though.
I heard that too, wasn't sure considering the fact that he's as pale as anything, but maybe it's true?
Well he's right. Trust me I have the personal experience. Us white people can't label others as racist because then we are racist.

Well you just cut "White people" with everyone else, The first thing comes into my mind is ignorance,


White, yellow, black, or blue
Well I happened to be sitting a couple of rows ahead of the guy who started that chant, and security certainly could've heard it.

The Indians retaliated with 'Show us your handcuffs,' so to me it was a bit of banter between fans, there was a bit of scoreboard, sit down etc stuff, but no references to skin colour or religion. Overreaction is my opinion, and I may call up the Sun to say something about it.

Pwnd, tbh :p

It's not nice, I would've said a few words to 'em, but I don't think it's racist.
Certainly you can't deny that Indian fans were making money chants though.

There was a lot more going on that day in Mumbai than just monkey chants, not anything racist though but quite a lot of personal abuses hurled.
I was present at the Wankhede that day, seated in the North stand.
I was a bit embarassed with some of the chanting that day. Symonds was out first ball and the crowd thought that it was their wicket and not the bowler`s !
The guys who got arrested for the monkey gestures were just seated a couple of rows behind me. Only realized that they were arrested when I read the newspaper next day.
Well you just cut "White people" with everyone else, The first thing comes into my mind is ignorance,


White, yellow, black, or blue


It's political correctness as Aus said.. Try taking out the white people bit and then realise how hard it is to understand what we are talking about.

It's political correctness as Aus said.. Try taking out the white people bit and then realise how hard it is to understand what we are talking about.

He used blue and yellow to emphasize his point. It obviously didn't work.
its a tad rough but not that racist. aussies are passionate and always will be coz we love our cricket as much as anything else. :)
yeah, we don't love cricket, we're just here to sell apples, :what?
The cynic inside me says that Gibbs remarks were because of the whole "Muslim = terrorist" bullcrap, Gibbs is a really strong Christian (check out his tatoo).

But of course, I could well be wrong.
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