India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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Having a "tatoo" does not really mean you are a good or in that case strong Christian.
Of course not, he put on a tattoo for the fun of it. There has to be some reason, I was just exploring into it.
looks like harbhajan is iin trouble,

him and symonds had a face to face and accoring to cricinfo harbajhan has bene charge with "using language or gestures that offends, insults, humiliates, intimidates, threatens, disparages or vilifies another person on the basis of that person's race, religion, gender, colour, descent, or national or ethic origin".
this is all gonna kick off soon
harbhajan abusing symonds with his gender.. aiight :what
The law wasn't made just for this case though, was it? It's a law that covers all.
looks like harbhajan is iin trouble,

him and symonds had a face to face and accoring to cricinfo harbajhan has bene charge with "using language or gestures that offends, insults, humiliates, intimidates, threatens, disparages or vilifies another person on the basis of that person's race, religion, gender, colour, descent, or national or ethic origin".
this is all gonna kick off soon

Here we go again...

f found guilty Harbhajan could face a ban of between two and four Tests or four and eight one-dayers. The hearing is scheduled for after close of play on Saturday.


harbhajan or symonds?

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He could be banned?

Halleluiah! That can only be good for us, I hope he gets kicked out of the squad, tbh.
Harbhajan getting banned would be good for India?

I would have agreed with you 6 months ago, but I've watched the last few tests and I think he's bowled tremendously well.
You what?

He's been rubbish, whenever he decided to loop the ball and go slower, he looked threatening but then afterwards he went back to bowling ODI style flat balls. He got lucky wickets in the Tests, and shouldn't be in the team, in my opinion.

He definitely should be in the ODI team though.
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