India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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Atmosphere level?

He's passionate! That's what you should want to see from your team. A bit of fight, no surrender to the convicts and all that!!

I bet what he said wasn't racist, but he will probably get charged and we will never find out/
Atmosphere level?

He's passionate! That's what you should want to see from your team. A bit of fight, no surrender to the convicts and all that!!

I bet what he said wasn't racist, but he will probably get charged and we will never find out/

He shouts at fielders, picks fights with batsmen for no reason and just generally acts like a fool. Passion is Sreesanth, idiocy is Harbhajan.
He shouts at fielders, picks fights with batsmen for no reason and just generally acts like a fool. Passion is Sreesanth, idiocy is Harbhajan.

Quote of the week.
He shouts at fielders, picks fights with batsmen for no reason and just generally acts like a fool. Passion is Sreesanth, idiocy is Harbhajan.

You can't say he does it for no reason without playing in a side with him or knowing him personally.

I'm sorry, totally disagree. Good cricketer, good charchter, good competitor.
You can't say he does it for no reason without playing in a side with him or knowing him personally.

Nor can you say that he is a good competitor and character without playing in a side with him or knowing him personally, but you can make an educated guess. He seems very arrogant to me and I am not the only one who thinks that. I know a lot of Indian cricket fans (in real life and forums) who think the same.

It is guesswork from both of us, but I think that it is the right guess to say he is arrogant based on shouting at fielders, telling them to run faster, etc and mouthing off to Symonds when he could have just shrugged it off. Furthermore, he was one of the main instigators in the ODI series in India of verbal abuse to Symonds (I know he gave it back, but it does not make it right).

The odd snide comment is ok, but full blown abusive conversations, which Harbhajan has made a trademark of some sort, are ludicrous, uneffective and foolish.

On another note, any objections to me changing the title to: India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row
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He shouts at fielders, picks fights with batsmen for no reason and just generally acts like a fool. Passion is Sreesanth, idiocy is Harbhajan.

I think you've got your roles mixed up there Manee. Sreesanth is just as much of a twat as Bhaji.
I think you've got your roles mixed up there Manee. Sreesanth is just as much of a twat as Bhaji.

I don't remember Sreesanth ever yelling at his own team or picking a totally random quarrel with the opposition. Him against Symonds was mutually started and was a good rivallry in my books.

Sreesanth is merely a tad immature.

His incidents in England which I am sure you have in the front of your mind:
- The beamer was a total accident as far as I'm concerned
- The no ball was likely deliberate and I am still convinced that it is a sign of immaturety and extreme frustration rather than malice. I know it is unacceptable, but I see it as an isolated incident.
It doesn't matter how frustrated you are, deliberately breaking rules in an attempt to hurt a fellow cricketer makes you a twat.
It doesn't matter how frustrated you are, deliberately breaking rules in an attempt to hurt a fellow cricketer makes you a twat.

You must know I must feel passionately about this for defending such an action. I am just convinced that he did not think about the consequences. He just wanted to let out agression. It is hard to explain, but he has the psyche of a small child.
IF it happened, then Harbhajan must get banned. It's an absolute disgrace. Getting racist on the field is absolutely unforgivable and is the lowest form of abuse you can give. For the umpires to stop a game over a sledge suggests it must've been something very, very serious.
Oh please, he was merely trying to ruff Pietersen up, albeit very sill of him to take such a huge overstep, what happens on the pitch, stays on the pitch. Fellow cricketer, my foot, if it was like that then bouncers should be banned, banter should be banned and the whole rivalry and aggressive side of cricket would be lost. The last thing we need is Cricket to turn into a pansy sport.

If you knew anything about the guy's background, you'd know he's not a twat too. The guy expresses his feelings, he lets everything out, and sometimes he goes over-board, but that will change through time (we hope).
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It's important to recognize the fact that Harbhajan hasn't been found guilty of anything. These are Ponting's allegations, which the umpires reported to the referee. You could say that it is pretty similar to Mahanama alleging that Glenn McGrath called Jayasuriya a 'black monkey' during a match.
It's important to recognize the fact that Harbhajan hasn't been found guilty of anything. These are Ponting's allegations, which the umpires reported to the referee. You could say that it is pretty similar to Mahanama alleging that Glenn McGrath called Jayasuriya a 'black monkey' during a match.

We understand that, we are talking about Harbhajan's attitude in general.
Oh please, he was merely trying to ruff Pietersen up, albeit very sill of him to take such a huge overstep, what happens on the pitch, stays on the pitch. Fellow cricketer, my foot, if it was like that then bouncers should be banned, banter should be banned and the whole rivalry and aggressive side of cricket would be lost. The last thing we need is Cricket to turn into a pansy sport.

If you knew anything about the guy's background, you'd know he's not a twat too. The guy expresses his feelings, he lets everything out, and sometimes he goes over-board, but that will change through time (we hope).
he's a twat on the pitch. Theres a reason the lines there, by overstepping it you gain an unfair advantage and given the fact Pietersen is used to facing balls from a normal distance to gain an extra yard and find the ball flying at his face is stupidly dangerous and completely unexpected. Bowlers bowl bouncers to get wickets, not to hurt batsmen. They might try and rough them up a bit in the long run but they want the wicket, not to hurt them. They don't go into a game thinking I wat to injure as many batsmen as possible they want to take 20 wickets.

Manee if he's too idiotic to think about the consequences then he needs to take a serious look at himself because if carrys on doing it someone will get hurt and then he will be in trouble.
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