India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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Frankly speaking Punter dont like being talked back thas why he complained. India did not complained to anyone.

HAHAHA. Punter complained because Symonds was called a monkey, you do see that sledging in the slips is a tad different then being called an animal?

And dont say this "India dont complain" nonsense, you'll make yourself look like a fool. India complain about everthing.

I bet you wouldnt like it if Symonds started given Harbajan a rough time about that turben/towel on his head....
HAHAHA. Punter complained because Symonds was called a monkey, you do see that sledging in the slips is a tad different then being called an animal?

And dont say this "India dont complain" nonsense, you'll make yourself look like a fool. India complain about everthing.

I bet you wouldnt like it if Symonds started given Harbajan a rough time about that turben/towel on his head....

Well India have stopped complaining and started dealing with problem at field. Where the proof that Bhajji called Symmond monkey. Dont talk rubbish unless you can back it.

Also if India wanted to comlain they could have done for umteen decisions against India in both Innings of this test match but they have decided not to do so. With the kind of muscle BCCI has they could have easily ended Bucknors career here.
Well India have stopped complaining and started dealing with problem at field. Where the proof that Bhajji called Symmond monkey. Dont talk rubbish unless you can back it.

Also if India wanted to comlain they could have done for umteen decisions against India in both Innings of this test match but they have decided not to do so. With the kind of muscle BCCI has they could have easily ended Bucknors career here.

Oh ok, the aussies made it all up for no reason, my mistake. Now whos talken rubbish?

And your second paragraph is irelivant.....
Oh ok, the aussies made it all up for no reason, my mistake. Now whos talken rubbish?

And your second paragraph is irelivant.....

I cannot believe that Bhajji would have abused Symonds. He's a chirpy guy, but not offensive like that.

If the Aussies didn't make it up, then I think there's a misunderstanding... If Bhajji did it he's got to be punished.

Tell me another thing: why is Symonds always involved in all this racism thing?
I cannot believe that Bhajji would have abused Symonds. He's a chirpy guy, but not offensive like that.

If the Aussies didn't make it up, then I think there's a misunderstanding... If Bhajji did it he's got to be punished.

Tell me another thing: why is Symonds always involved in all this racism thing?
i wouldnt call it racism considering the indians are the same skin colour as he is. But probaly due to the 'monkey' incidents and its just gotton out of hand...

Ponting/Symonds and Harbijan have always had a grudge with one another...
i wouldnt call it racism considering the indians are the same skin colour as he is. But probaly due to the 'monkey' incidents and its just gotton out of hand...

Ponting/Symonds and Harbijan have always had a grudge with one another...

To be honest, when it happened everybody thought it was just the normal banter between a batsman who had a bit of luck (like Bhajji did when he top edged a delivery over the slips) and Symonds and Bhajji reminding Symonds of his own luck in his innings.

None of the commentators hinted at anything like racism at that time. Nobody had any idea.
i wouldnt call it racism considering the indians are the same skin colour as he is. But probaly due to the 'monkey' incidents and its just gotton out of hand...

Ponting/Symonds and Harbijan have always had a grudge with one another...

that is wrong.
Symonds is not same race as Indians, Which he said they are.
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Right, I don't think any of the Australian's are going to complain unless anything serious happened. I think all of you (mostly Indian fans) who believe that the Aussie's have only complained because of gripes between the sides are clutching at straws. I can guarentee you that a lot of very offensive insults were traded between Australia - England in the 05 Ashes.

Whether or not Harbhajan has intentionally been racist is a different issue. Because of we know many of the Indians on here didn't feel that the monkey chants that Symonds got were racist. So it could be the Harbahjan is of the same view. However I imagine if Symonds has, as has been reported by a lot of worldwide papers, been called a monkey by Harbahjan then they'll come down on him like a ton of bricks.

However, this situation isn't comparable to the Herschelle Gibbs - Pakistan crowd case because Gibb's comments were made about the behaviour of Pakistan fans who were throwing things onto the pitch etc. Yet the ICC still charge him with racism, I believe, because they felt it was unacceptable to use that word, even in the context he had used it. I'm not defending Gibbs because he was charged and rightly so.

Symonds if of Afro-Carribean origin if anyone is wondering.
Personally, I'm not defending Harbhajan btw, I think racism as a whole is very overrated. I don't see why offending or mentioning someone's race is THAT much more of a deal than swearing at the person or insulting him in a million other ways that there are. As soon as anything close to a race is mentioned things get so sensitive.
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