Indian Cricket League(ICL)

How do you rate the fielding standards in ICL

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anandbatra said:
I feared this would happen one day. I don't want this to grow into something big, as it will attract all talent with the money and stuff. Indian players are already the highest paid, but these sort of leagues pay a LOT more.

I hope this experiment fails. Otherwise, it will undermine the importance of International cricket in India, as fans just want to see their heroes playing.
On the contrary, I hope it succeeds. No one watches domestic cricket and if I read the specification on Cricinfo correctly, there would only be two Indian internationals in each team. This is just the sort of exposure that domestic players need so that the world will start recognizing them and they won't fall flat on their face in international competition.
Cricketman93 said:
23Million US
OR 10 million rupees.

1 million rupees= 10,00,000
10 million rupees= 1,00,00,000
100 million rupees- 10,00,00,000
1000 million rupees=1 billion rupees= 1,00,00,00,000= 100 crore

Some one said it's Punjabi. Nope, it is Hindi. The words Crore and Lakhs are officially used in India to denote 10 million and 0.1 million respectively.

Also, it's not fair to convert it into dollars. Rs 45 in India can buy much more than a dollar can in the US.

sohummisra said:
if I read the specification on Cricinfo correctly, there would only be two Indian internationals in each team. .

But, would Subhash Chandra limit himself to that? He said he wanted to create India's largest packaging company, but ended up creating(through the takeover of Propack) the world's largest packaging company.

That why I wanted to know whether Subhash Chandra had his heart in this. If he does, then he will 'poach' players from the India team. Those initial specifications are set just because he can't get more players at this point in time.

shery_rsa said:
but this things can`t help take an example of english county.

Subhash Chandra would be the last person to care about Indian cricket. His only aim is to make money out of this.
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anandbatra said:
Subhash Chandra would be the last person to care about Indian cricket. His only aim is to make money out of this.

Did you not listen to Chandra's interview on TV ?

Acc toi CHandra : We had applied for the BCCI rights in 2004 but the then president was not willing to give it to us.

This clearly indicates that Subash Chandra wants the power in his hands.It's a stupid initiative by ZEE just cause they didnt get the Indian Cricket Rights.
He talks about the Talent Hunt.Well he did have the Cricket Star running.Has'nt he already created a pool of players ?

His only aim is to get the Indian Cricket Rights.
well this strangely similar to Kerry Packer and the World Series Cricket movement in the late 70's
anandbatra said:

I feared this would happen one day. I don't want this to grow into something big, as it will attract all talent with the money and stuff. Indian players are already the highest paid, but these sort of leagues pay a LOT more.

I hope this experiment fails. Otherwise, it will undermine the importance of International cricket in India, as fans just want to see their heroes playing.
The people who plays in the league would always be available for international matches. If one gets a call from the national team he would definitely want to represent the nation rather than in this league.
On the other hand some competitive cricket would help develop talent, as the domestic cricket standard isnt that good.

Anyway, without BCCI and ICC support they wont get anywhere. They need grounds from BCCI. International players who havent retired needs ICC permission. National players needs BCCI permission.
BCCI may do what many boards did during World Series- they refused to pick players who played in WS.
Not all grounds in India are owned by the BCCI. For example, the Nehru Stadium in Pune and the Green Park in Kanpur are owned by the municipal corporations rather than the state boards under the BCCI.

But, I agree on the players part. Players who are contracted by the BCCI can not play in any other league till such a contract expires or till they get permission from the BCCI to do so.
AusRule said:
well this strangely similar to Kerry Packer and the World Series Cricket movement in the late 70's

I wouldn't really say it's Packer scale (because that would be huge) but I would liken it to the Stanford Twenty20 in the West Indies.
Yes, it's not fair to compare this with what Kerry Packer did. Packer's league was rebellious, while Chandra wants his league to be complementary to the BCCI.

But, the money involved is huge and is similar to what Packer offered(if you adjust inflation). It will offer more money than any league in the WI can do, though. The initial corpus is more than the sponsorship amount of most international cricket teams.
anandbatra said:
Some one said it's Punjabi. Nope, it is Hindi. The words Crore and Lakhs are officially used in India to denote 10 million and 0.1 million respectively.

Also, it's not fair to convert it into dollars. Rs 45 in India can buy much more than a dollar can in the US.
We have a patriotic fellow, don't we? ;)
sohummisra said:
We have a patriotic fellow, don't we? ;)

Not overtly patriotic, but I have to use those terms every day, so I prefer them to millions/billions.

I don't know how I will adjust to the million/billion terms at the LSE. I still convert US dollars to Rupees. :p

As for the rupee thing, it's purchasing power parity at work. :) That makes us the 4th largest economy in the world in PPP terms(more accurate) and 10th largest in dollar terms(grossly inaccurate).
The bottom line is this. BCCI is currently a monopoly and is resting on its laurels. Too many politicians and part-time amateurs are running cricket in India and ruining it in the process. Bureaucracy is ruling the roost.

We need professional businessmen and enthusiastic entrepreneurs running the game and pumping some more passion into the administration. If this "parallel" cricket league is about building quality of talent and not merely about making money, I would whole-heartedly support it.
anandbatra said:
Not all grounds in India are owned by the BCCI. For example, the Nehru Stadium in Pune and the Green Park in Kanpur are owned by the municipal corporations rather than the state boards under the BCCI.

The Nehru stadium shall cease to exist within the next two years.They are demolishing it to make a new one.
Kanpur,well its probably the worst venue to host an international match.

Indyan said:
BCCI may do what many boards did during World Series- they refused to pick players who played in WS.

The players will end up getting quite a lot from the BCCI than from ZEE.
I doubt any international player would represent it.It's not such a great idea nad it would sink quickly with the BCCI and the ICC not extending their support.
Why is it a foregone conclusion that the BCCI will disagree with it? And the ICC has no control whatsoever of the best international players as long as they play in the big ICC tournaments (World Cup, Champions Trophy, Twenty20 Cup).

I would think the BCCI would see this as a good opportunity to quickly dissipate the blame that will be building up on their collective lack of brainpower.

Plus, this is starting out as a Twenty20 league format. The Cricinfo article said teams would be comprised of 2 Indian internationals, 2 abroad players and 10 domestic players. Twenty20 is relatively exciting and we could actually see people take an interest in domestic cricket rather than having a stupid, die-hard attitude about international cricket. One of the premier reasons why English supporters haven't acted like idiots when their international team is failing is because they always have high-quality cricket to watch easily, domestically. This doesn't exist in India. In India, cricket is all about the national team. Most people don't care about domestic cricket unless they are playing in it.

I think if the league succeeds, it should eventually be merged into the domestic system at the replacement of our traditional leagues.
Well, English people dont go crazy when the Cricket team does badly as they can switch over to something like EPL.

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