Story India's internation season on C2K5!

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Mulari nabs Mulari-Sri Lanka 125/9!

Tamil Nadu spinner Mulari Kartik trapped spin legend Muthiah Mularitharan plum in front as the Sri Lankan ship sinks ever deeper. The low full toss did exactly what Kartik wanted it to do, invite Mularitharan into playing a desperate slog, and he missed it completly and it hit his pads. There was a loud appeal, and the umpire confirmed without hesitation. Fernando is the last man in.




Harbhajan cleans up SL tail

Harbhajan Singh picked up his 4th wicket as Fernando tried to sweep him, got the top edge, and gave Mulari Kartik a sitter. They have been bowled out for 132. They have fallen to a HUGE defete at the hands of the Indians. Harbhajan Singh was the Cheif destroyer with the ball with 4-27. He bowled in the right area's and kept a good line and lenghth. He didn't allow anyone to hit him for runs. The top order failed misrebaly, and many people got starts but couldn't convert it into a big score. Irfan Pathan chipped in with 3-25. We'll take a short break and we'll come back to you with the presentation ceramony.


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Cricketman93 said:
Shut up! :p Your 5 wickets agains netherlands was more like a fluke, normally they cart you all over :p
Right :rolleyes:
I say you are jealous. :p

And, BTW, how much did you score again? :p
RV: Welcome to the Award Ceramony of the first game of the Pepsi-Cola series between Sri Lanka and India. Sri Lanka have fallen to a huge defeat at the hands of Rahul Dravid and his Tigers. First let me call the loosing captain, Marvan Attapatu!


RV: Well Marven, Big loss today. Nothing went your way.
MA: Yes, a huge loss today, but India is a really good team and they outplayed us in every department.
RV:Well lets start with the Sri Lankan bowling:
MA: We didn't put it in the right area's and we got smashed all over. Even after the first 15 overs they were cruising along at 7-8 rpo.
RV: On this type of spinning pitch, why did Mularitharan get only 5 overs?
MA: Well, i thought he wasn't bowling at his best today and I went back to Dilhara who i thought was bowling at his roaring best.
RV: Now to the SL batting:
MA: We had lots of starts and no big scores. The bowlers bowled extreamly well, especcialy Irfan and Harbhajan.
RV: Thanks and good luck Marvan.
MA: Thanks
RV: Ladies and Gentleman Marvan Attapatu!

RV: Now let me introduce today's winning captain, Rahul Dravid!!

*the crowd goes crazy!*


RV: Well, your boys played really well today.
RD: Definatley, we batted well and put a huge total on the board, greatly thanks to Sachin and Irfan. Then again we bowled terrifically, Irfan again, and Bhajji. Our fielding was top notch and we played like tigers.
RV: Sri Lanka's performance?
RD:I thought they were a little glum today, but they are the 2nd best team in the world, and will spring up on you when you least expect it. They have alot of depth in batting and bowling.
RV: Well, Rahul how does it feel captaining your team?
RD: Its a great feeling. Everyone looks up to you, and your duties never end....and i don't want them to.
RV:Well, your team gets a check of 50,000 USD for winning this match!
RD: thanks
RV: Rahul Dravid!

RV: Now for the man of the match. This was decided by the commentry team and they absolutley broke their heads over it, and we have decided it as a tie! Sachin Tendulkar and Irfan Pathan, Come on down!!

*the crowd goes double crazy*

RV: So Irfan, how'd it feel to hit your maiden century today?
IP: Awesome! Its a great feeling of accomplishment!
RV: How do you rate your bowling today?
IP: I'm really satisfied with my spell today! I thought i was getting alot of movement off the pitch, and the ball was swinging like crazy!
RV: How do you like the Number 3 slot? Would you bat at it if you had a choice??
IP: I love it, but i wouldn't bat at it at all times. If my team wants me to, sure, but i would like to concentrate on my bowling and stay and bat at the 7-9 slots.
RV: Well Sachin, your comeback couldn't be more explosive.
ST: Thanks Ravi. Well the ball was coming on to the bat nicely and it was a great batting track. I love to be back here and love the crowd to be entertained!
RV:Your feilding, along with the teams, was really sharp today.
ST: Yes it was! Greg has been going through some special drills and its working out!
RV: You both get this trophy and a check of 30,00 USD each!Congradulation's to you both, and Good luck.
ST and IP: Thanks!

Well there you have it, Irfan Pathan and Sachin Tendulkar the Men of the match, back to you Sanjay.


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Breif Scores:

India: 368/3
Tendulkar 164*
Pathan 103
Sehwag 29

Jayasuriya 2-51
Vass 1-74

Sri Lanka: 132/10
Arnold 25
Atapattu 24
Lokuhittige 22

Harbhajan 4-27
Pathan 3-25

India Win by 236 runs
India leads the 5 match ODI series 1-0.
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Your face was a fluke! And stop spamming!
Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam BAM! to the power of infinity!
Come to the chat room, don't trash my thread! :mad: ( :D )
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