International Cricket Captain 2009

waooo adit thanks for this
hope so this icc series may going good and rocks
i think ipl also edit in this is this right
i hope we can add matches ourselves with other teams like in real life,
gets annoying sometimes playing a series in january and then waiting for october to play the next series.
like pakistan do.

we should have the ability to make offers to other teams for full series
That's not really the role of the captain, is it?

When the official release date is announced, you'll be some of the first to know. 5th May is unconfirmed, I'll say that for definite.
It isn't specifically a Captain's job but it would add something to the game as later on in the game two test series against teams such as Bangladesh aren't enough as they geniunely become good. Also on the front of it not being a captains job neither is the finances and transfers but its still a good to have it.

but i think gamefaqs give exact release date if there is change of date they change it immediately currently they havent changed
Sureshot knows better than GameFaq over possible release dates as he is a moderator on the games official forum and is able to get in touch with Chris.
I'll be honest, I don't know the release date. My only thought, without actually asking Chris, is that last years was released end of June, it will be out before the Ashes, obviously, maybe even before the Aussies arrive. All speculation though, the door is open.
Shall we just expect the usual database update for our 20/30 quid?
Well, people said that when the new match engine was produced. Annually produced games will never be as variable as games which are produced every 2-3 years. (Barring cricket simulators, obviously!)

When did you last pay ?30 for an ICC game?
I can't remember when I last paid 30 quid for it, cos I didn't buy it last year due to the usual database update. But I might go for it this year, 6's bug been fixed yet?
The patch does improve 08 quite a lot.

If people are expecting a whole new game, with every part of the game completely new, then no, you're not going to get that. That's unrealistic on a small budget, annually released game. Heck, look at Sega/SI and Football Manager, they have a huge budget, sold over a million copies of 08 and some people still say, "It's really only an updated database, isn't it?", the time constraint is a massive factor, the first build was ready 2 months before release of 09. Complete over hauls of games is rare, quite logical really, if a release/version proved very unsuccessful then the game would probably be revamped more, for any game.

thats true i think there will be only few updates i think they should just add 20/20 world cup that comes evry two years

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