
New to this exciting PlanetCricket site..Looking forward to contribute to its success

Hello all..

I am kishore from India. As most of we Indians, I am a diehard fan of cricket. I landed in this site, searching for a way to save Ashes cricket 09. Found the site really cool and immeadiately, a proud member of this.:banana2

I have been playing PC cricket games since the release of EA Cricket 2002. Never missed a single release, as far as I know.

Recently, I am rigorously testing Cricket Revolution and Ashes cricket 2009, both which have their own positives.

I am mad of cricket and will be assosiated with it in any form...:happy
Why do you feel the need to bold this and capitalize? Do you think I'm not gonna know what your talking about? and why do I care how much PlanetCricket is worth?

More Leagues = More Spam, More of the same thing and the same people doing the same thing. Everyone is just giving themselves a nice little online ego boost.

And you have not understood what I mean by good members, is one's that will participate well in discussion, not ones that talk in text speak.

I`m s0rrie, i`ll leavez now.
I find it more funny that new members who have barely posted have Planetcricket as a hobby. Like, how can it be a hobby if its one of the first few times you've been on here?
This is Neil..
I love Sports-Cricket, Football and basketball are my favorites....
i Love foruming too.
Well, lets hope i can join you all well.:)
Hello All

Hello all!

This is diimaan here... :) 26 years old

I'm from Chennai, India

I've been a quiet spectator for sometime, even thought I've been here reading most of the useful posts, I haven't opsted much...

Hope I'll do my best to keep in touch with my fellow cricketers.

I like movies, music, and sports... in any form... :banana2
Hi guys,

I have been here for quite a long time now but never really bothered to surf outside cricket games' forums. But of late, I have visited several other sections of PC too and I found them quite interesting.

So, today I came surfing to this section and thought 'why not' lol :p Here it goes then:

I am Naveen, 21yo. I enjoy cricket in every form and format. I am a Medium Fast bowler in real life and know how to hold the bat right way. :D Unfortunately I haven't played much with the leather ball, only the tennis ball or the cosco as we call it here in my part of the world. Never really took my cricket seriously, not that I was any good at it but I sure do enjoyed whatever I played and still do whenever I get a chance.

I have been playing cricket games on computer for 6~7 years now and I still enjoy it. The bad part is that I am addicted to them and can't really enjoy other type of games, not even CS or GTA. The good part is, I don't have time to invest in other games so no real problems. :D

I have enjoyed the services of several C07 modders and hope to return the favour in some form or the other. I think I can best contribute to the PC community by some articles or similar stuff. So watch out for some interesting pieces of writing in coming few months.

Naveen aka MuchMore
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Hi everyone, I'm Vicky and I'm 24...I bought Ashes Cricket 2009 for PS3 so I thought I'd join here for some advice and maybe some online play. I have never played anyone online in all years of console gaming! Guess I might start. I only bought the game yesterday and have tried a 20/20 game but havent had much luck so far!

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