
The first lad got it right. Its stick sports. Not sure if anybody else is from there, but I appear to be the man over there;) or at least I'd like to think so :spy

Played for a big time there before I came to PC. Cricket , Baseball and Lawn Tennis games are amazing there.
Hi all

Hi guys,I'm new here.
I'm from India
I like cricket,WWE etc...!
I'm very very glad to be a member of this forum,thnx.:)

I am Swaranjeet (Singh to complete the SJS). I am sixty :-)
I live in Mumbai (Just outside actually - in Thane), India.

I post regularly on Cricket Web for many years and also write features for them. I had an occasion to meet in Chicago one of the posters on CW who also posts here - Nightprowler10. It was a delightful meeting. He told me about this site. So last night , still struggling with a prolonged jet-lag), I decided to check this site and found that I could do so only by registering.

So here I am. :)

Hope to keep dropping in once in a while.
Whats nightprowler doing hanging with 60 year old dudes he met on the internet :p

Just having a laugh, welcome aboard buddy
Good to have a experienced person here.;) Welcome SJS Sir!
Good to have a experienced person here.;) Welcome SJS Sir!

Welcome SJS :)

Welcome aboard SJS. Very glad to have CWs creme de la creme posting here. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)

Thanks everyone. I am sure I will have a good time here.

I haven't looked around much since I registered. Late dinner last night and then people over for pool, beer and lunch today meant no time to sleep let alone sit on the PC. In the next couple of days for sure. :)

It does feel strange to be at a site where everyone is new (almost everyone NP10 is an exception) so there is a bit of reserve. At CW I feel at home and start posting as soon as I read something interesting. I am sure I will get "acclimatised" (to use a cricket phrase) soon enough.

SJS added 1 Minutes and 13 Seconds later...

It sure is amusing to see "School Boy Cricketer" next to my name :)
SJS forget all you know about CW, this is PC. Its a jungle out here, kill or be killed!

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