is this game any good

if you are a hardcore cricketer no. get ea cricket 2005 if you are hardcore. if you are looking to hit practically every ball for six and be able to swing it like if you are bowling with a tennis ball during a hurricane then get blic. blic is arcadey, ea cricket 2005 is a sim.
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It is a lotta good.

Awesome bowling, lotta teams/features, superb fielding, great animations. Get this.
I think that Brian Lara International Cricket 2005 is brilliant in almost every department. The gameplay is very realistic with challenging scores and deliveries, the graphics and animations are smooth and excellent and the sound is superb with five commentators and appropriate crowd sounds.

I would recommend you to buy it when it is released on Thursday July 21 2005. Everybody's tastes are different, so you could try it out for yourself with the demo. It is 859mb in size and you can download it by clicking here.

SkateBoarder2 :)
BLIC will be a superb game. It has lot of features and I get the feeling that overall it will be a much better game than cricket 2005. You will definitely enjou BLIC and the multiplayer will be even better.
rashaba16 said:
if you are a hardcore cricketer no. get ea cricket 2005 if you are hardcore. if you are looking to hit practically every ball for six and be able to swing it like if you are bowling with a softball during a hurricane then get blic. blic is arcadey, ea cricket 2005 is a sim.
**** cricket 2005

Yes get Cricekt 2005 while brian lara would be an another option
Most #of runs scored from a 1 ball is 286 between 2 teams in Australia,Victoria & Bunbury the 1st ball was hit into a 3 pronged branch of a tall Jarrah tree.Although the home team claimed a lost ball the umpire ruled that it could not be lost as it could be seen.With the Victorian batsmen continuing to run the Bunbury players sent for an axe to cut down the tree.None could be found.Eventually some1 sent a rifle + the ball was shot down.The Victorians stood on their score of 286 and went onto win

is this a fact!!!!!! :eek:

u got to be kidding me :hpraise
varun05 said:
Most #of runs scored from a 1 ball is 286 between 2 teams in Australia,Victoria & Bunbury the 1st ball was hit into a 3 pronged branch of a tall Jarrah tree.Although the home team claimed a lost ball the umpire ruled that it could not be lost as it could be seen.With the Victorian batsmen continuing to run the Bunbury players sent for an axe to cut down the tree.None could be found.Eventually some1 sent a rifle + the ball was shot down.The Victorians stood on their score of 286 and went onto win

is this a fact!!!!!! :eek:

u got to be kidding me :hpraise
Its true.
rashaba16 said:
if you are a hardcore cricketer no. get ea cricket 2005 if you are hardcore. if you are looking to hit practically every ball for six and be able to swing it like if you are bowling with a softball during a hurricane then get blic. blic is arcadey, ea cricket 2005 is a sim.
jimmy, listen to him.

Honestly people how the hell can you like that excuse for a demo, i spent 8 hrs downloading it, i was a big fan of blc 99, but this demo is rubbish, they need to perform a miracle in the next 4 days.
if the bowling is sorted out with any patch I'd say this is far better than cricket 05.
of course i dissagree but u are free to post what ever you want. but i don't think it is good.
cricket 2005 bored me off in 2 balls while blic still lives on !! get blic :D
yeah but you just hit it for six all the time i like games that are realistic and are challenging and not games where the cpu get 400 off 50 overs
afidi is da man said:
yeah but you just hit it for six all the time i like games that are realistic and are challenging and not games where the cpu get 400 off 50 overs

but thats teh demo!! i played the 50 overs mate !! and i gt 245 thats it and btw put harder level and have you seen the footpatches in the game wow tahst is heavy! and all type of different shots!

btw in cricket 2005 they hold the bat in a funny way now how do ya hit a ball like that in real life! we wanna play cricket now fifa :mad:
afidi is da man said:
yeah but you just hit it for six all the time i like games that are realistic and are challenging and not games where the cpu get 400 off 50 overs

is that true or are you exaggerating?????
surely the autoplay cant be as bad as Cricket 2005

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