Is this the worst game of all time?

When you consider long development time, huge development budget and the dream License of the Ashes during two Ashes in a year then it's a very compelling argument that Ashes 2013 is indeed the worst game ever released. Indeed, so bad that the platform holder (Steam) pulled it.
Ah Superbeast aka Mr Stephen Mander-Jones who worked on Ashes Cricket 2013 ;)

Is this the worst game of all time? Thoughts?

Argument finished.

Overall, yes, but only due to the animations, mechanics, pay-2-win but loose it all due to the rampant hacking, lack of providing features they promised on release which is over a year ago, dodgy sound effects and glitches...

Wait.. no.. you're right.. War Z is the worst game ever.. Ashes a very close second tied with Big Rig Racing.
It can be considered the worst game.

The developers were planning to make a Cricket MMORPG game. With a game this bad, you can imagine how bad the MMORPG will be...

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