Jager Bombers - "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

I'm done with the graphics for our first post, yes the entire thing. Am too tired to post it right now, so will post it tomorrow.

G'night everyone!
Yea looks like heaps of effort has been put in :)

With the jaegar part it doesn't really matter too much because the anglicised version of j?ger is jaegar.

And lol at the Alliance's graphics. They're pretty terrible.
Didn't even notice the link on the previous page.

Looking good AT. Good job, site has a professional look to it :thumbs
I've just realised someone has changed my location >.>
They did that to me as well, I noticed it straight away though.
oh and if i didn't mention it earlier could i get my avatar please? my number is 4 btw.

Here at the J?ger Bombers we're all about drinking and having a good time. If you want a pub in your dressing room and some beer in the drinks break, then this is the team for you!






The J?ger Bombers were formed one Friday night in an alcohol influenced state at Moe's Tavern. Barney Gumble had just seen the announcement of the league on the television and exclaimed quite emphatically that he wanted to create a team, before collapsing on the floor through excessive alcohol consumption. Those around him felt that this would be a great idea and while dropping the shot of J?ger into their Red Bull, declared that the team would be named the J?ger Bombers.

When they awoke the next morning they had no recollection of the night before and did not realise that they had created a team until they saw themselves on the news. A reporter had been at the tavern, with a cameraman filming the entire ordeal. Barney, Callum, Dipak, Truman and Jono decided that although they didn't remember creating this team, their drunken selves were much more intelligent than their normal selves and went ahead with creating the team. It didn't take long to get both J?germeister and Red Bull on board as their main sponsors so that they could avoid having hangovers ever by being constantly drunk and awake. This was the beginning of the era of the J?ger Bombers, a team that would take the PlanetCricket National League by storm.​





Financial Manager and Head Lawyer for the J?ger Bombers, Jono Choie has readied the contracts for those who have signed up so far. These contracts detail how much each member of the squad will be paid for signing up to the J?ger Bombers, and their match fees and potential bonuses. He had this to say:

"We are delighted to announce that everyone who has signed a contract with us so far will receive 1,000 vCash to begin with. This is in keeping with our promised of a $100 bar tab at Moe's (the exchange rate between Springfield currency and vCash is 10 vCash to $1). On top of that, in every match of the season, everyone who plays a match will receive 500 vCash in match fees, with a bonus of 1,000 vCash to the person we feel was the most outstanding performer on our team. As well as this, at the end of the season there will be an undisclosed amount to be awarded to the MVP of the side, as well as the person with the most runs and wickets."

The financial affairs of the J?ger Bombers were reported to be in great shape despite this announcement and Jono Choie was looking forward to many successes in the season ahead.​

*Will be up once the season begins!*



Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4
Match 5
Match 6
Match 7



Where's the praise smiley when you need it?



One thing though (:p), does it look better without the two blue lines around Barney in the squad?
They just look slightly random atm, because AT is all alone above them, plus you can already see Barney via the two red star things.


You know you'll have to update the points after every match as well, because they're in an image. :p
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does it look better without the two blue lines around Barney in the squad?

No. Just the same.

You know you'll have to update the points after every match as well, because they're in an image.

I've done the entire squad layout in Microsoft Excel, so it can be easily updated. I'll hand over the file to Iridium (our stats man) and he can do the needful after every match.

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