Jager Bombers - "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

i disagree with barney rock is not fool
i think we should give barney a go at the one day scene, whats the point of having a star player if we're not going to use him :p

... ofcourse my place isn't in jeopardy if he does come in :spy
Well we're 3/3 without him playing, and in his first game it's looking like we're not going to win.

Bad omen much? :p



Well done, Sir Barney!

I take my words back! :p
You got a one match ban anyway, after the rampage you went on after getting out on the second to last ball of the day.

Fair enough. I accept my punishment and will make sure it will never happen again :p Unless cricsim wamts me to do it again :p
So Barney in for Hedger for our next OD match, and Prats in for... Do any of our other batsmen want to volunteer to sit out? :p
We need a sixth bowler though, and I'd rather play someone who's active ahead of Shagger. So even if you do sit out we're still only going to have room for five non-bowlers, three of whom are Iridium (Keeper), Barney (Need to give him an OD match), Prats (Hasn't played yet), and then two of Chewie/Pranav/AT, so it really doesn't matter if you sit out or not, it's not going to solve the problem. :p


Well it's not really a problem, it's more a dilemma because we've got so many good players.
Is it too late for someone to switch to a keeper? That way I could stand aside and give someone else a chance to play.
We can't do anything atm, but we can make changes in the mid-season break to make our balance better.

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