Jager Bombers - "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

Meet's demands:

Well here go my requirements list, if you want a world class leg spinner and an aggressive batsman-
1.Whatever happens, I should get to play regardless of my form. Absolutely. Playing Monopoly requires no form whatsoever.
2.I should be allowed to bowl whenever I feel, regardless of the situation of the match. You can bowl during the break between innings.
3.I should be given some special treatment off the field. You'll need it from all the beatings you'll get
4.You need to pay me 1k vcash for every match as my match fee, it can go beyond that if I am in good form, but 1k have to be minimum. Yes 'cause vcash is so much more precious than real money.
5.You have to use kit designed by me. I'll donate them to some ophans in Somalia.
6.I can ask for rest whenever I feel like, you can't question me. You'll be getting a lot of rest since you won't be playing
7.You all can't challenge if I want to open the bat, or to bat at No.11.Thats completely my decision, and no-one can challenge it, even the captain. Hard to use a bat when it's been shoved up your.....
8.There should be a private dressing room for me which should be 3x bigger than the common one, and no one else should be given the private dressing room. The local prison has quite a large dressing room and shower facilities. Try telling 10 large burly men to get out.
9.You all need to provide me a special laptop, iphone, ipad, etc. whenever I ask for to entertain myself. Sure, I'd be more than happy to provide you a laptop. Let me just fix it first with this hammer....
Going to a pub quiz tonight :) Probably won't have any jaegar bombs though...
Name: Puneeth Kumar
Batting Hand (Left/Right): Left
Bowling type (SLA, RF, RM, etc.): RLS
Type (Batsman, Bowler, Keeper): Genuine All rounder

Hey guys, just came through RPHKR. What you think? Should we add him?


J?ger Bombers, you've managed to stumble into the PCNL - welcome.

Thats really great! Thanks for welcoming us, Matt.
Ok, I'm pleased to say that I have joined the team and now we have the 3 of the newest (and best as Jono puts it :p) staff members.

Here's my signup form again anyway for convenience.

Name: Brendon Hedger
Batting Hand (Left/Right): Left
Bowling type (SLA, RF, RM, etc.): LS
Type (Batsman, Bowler, Keeper): Opening Batsman
Wow! Brendon is in our team. Thats a great boost to our team. Thanks for joining, Brendon. :cheers
J?ger Bombers, you've managed to stumble into the PCNL - welcome.


Can i join this

Yeah, post your sign-up form here. ;)

Hey guys, just came through RPHKR. What you think? Should we add him?

He has to post here if he wants to join us, he posted that in another teams thread.

Ok, I'm pleased to say that I have joined the team and now we have the 3 of the newest (and best as Jono puts it :p) staff members.

Here's my signup form again anyway for convenience.

Name: Brendon Hedger
Batting Hand (Left/Right): Left
Bowling type (SLA, RF, RM, etc.): LS
Type (Batsman, Bowler, Keeper): Opening Batsman

Haha Hedger's signing here was just as inevitable as it could get. Wow, now we have 3 staff members in the same team and also 3 members from the Spin Wizards in the same team. ;)
Atm we have 14 players (including our star batsman Barney):

6 pure batsmen
1 keeper
2 batting all-rounders (one pace and one spin)
2 genuine all-rounders (one pace and one spin)
3 pure bowlers (two pace and one spin)

So we're now looking for four pure bowlers or bowling all-rounders.

We could possibly do with another keeper, but they'll just be warming the bench incase Iridium wants a rest.
He has to post here if he wants to join us, he posted that in another teams thread.
I'd tell him that via VM. By the way, his application was rejected by the team that he posted his sign up in.

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