Club Captain
Verve 16 - released
Plasma 16 - ETA 29/01
Kookaburra Batpack
Blade 16 - released 27/01
Royale 16 - released 27/01
Verve 16 - released
Plasma 16 - ETA 31/01
Ghost 16 - ETA 31/01
Ignite 16 - ETA 01/02
Onyx 16 - ETA 02/02
Bubble 16 - ETA 02/02
Kahuna 16 - ETA 02/02
Puma Batpack
Puma platinum 16 - released 27/01
Other 2016 TBC
Adidas Batpack
Adidas Pellara Elite XT 2016 - ETA - TBC
I have put requests on – this does not mean I work for you, if I have an interest in creating the bat and the image provided is of good quality I will.
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