Laziest thing you've ever done

My Dad is on the bed next to the phone, which starts ringing. He calls me in all the way from the other room to answer it. I hope I can do that to my kids one day :p
I hate it how I'm up stairs, and she's on the couch. And she goes "Can you please go get me a drink?". I'm like, bloody hell, it's going to take me triple the time it would take you.
I get that from my brother all the time. What excuses do you get when people try to make you do things? I get things like 'I played sport and I'm tired' or 'I injured myself at school'.
I just get "Get me a drink please".

Then when I ask for one it's "You've got legs, get it yourself"
My Dad is on the bed next to the phone, which starts ringing. He calls me in all the way from the other room to answer it. I hope I can do that to my kids one day :p

Thats what my uncle does. SO ANNOYING.
i'll be upstairs doing my thing and he calls me to get the remote or the phone which he doesn't have to get up from his chair to get.
The laziest thing i did was when i was rean-acting i had all my kit on and i realised i had my belt on the wrong way round so i ended up doing it in just my tunic
I Never done my french homework for all my life Because I can't be bothered to do it.
i am just too lazy alot of time
Yeah, done a lot of lazy things myself. I'm too lazy to type them out.
I have 1 far too disgusting to tell :p I once was so lazy to walk across the room to the other sofa i sat on my sisters ankle and broke it
I also peed in a bottle as I couldn't be bothered to walk upstairs
I did that peeing in the bin thing will when i was about 4 but mine was made of straw

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