Your Cricket Leg Muscles

(Clears throat...) Even though I started it, can we try to stick to leg muscles and not big hulks - it makes me feel inadequate;)

Not sure what to suggest about the ankle weights as I've never used them but like I said walking up steep hills is a good way to tone the legs. Like Manee though rest if you feel any strain or stiffness.
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Try wearing Skins! before, after and during exercise...they really do stop the aches and pains that i felt before i invested in a pair :p
My muscles are just always stiff before cricket, just natural I guess. I have a match tomorrow and I wish to be able to sprint in and bowl quickly, I have been working on the hip and back leg drive a lot as well as bringing my head down straight and I feel that if I can loosen up properly, I can cause some damage.

As for warm up, I am going to:

-Do some sprints alternating between high knees and kicking backwards.
-Lotus position leaning to one side.
-Open leg sitting position leaning to one leg.
-Hamstring stretch
-Calf stretch
-Groin stretch

All stretches for twenty seconds, will let you guys know how I get on.
Don't forget to have a walk before all else, it really helps to get the blood flowing.
My muscles are just always stiff before cricket, just natural I guess. I have a match tomorrow and I wish to be able to sprint in and bowl quickly, I have been working on the hip and back leg drive a lot as well as bringing my head down straight and I feel that if I can loosen up properly, I can cause some damage.

As for warm up, I am going to:

-Do some sprints alternating between high knees and kicking backwards.
-Lotus position leaning to one side.
-Open leg sitting position leaning to one leg.
-Hamstring stretch
-Calf stretch
-Groin stretch

All stretches for twenty seconds, will let you guys know how I get on.

Stretches should only be done for 8 seconds per leg/arm, that is the reccommended length of time for a stretch. You could cause damage if you overstretch.
I had a physio for a brief period and she said that twenty seconds is the right time for each stretch :eek:.
Oh, i've been told by many coaches and PE teachers that 8 seconds is right. LOL, who knows, just go in the middle, 9 seconds each leg :p
Good luck Manee, i hope your leg pains go away, and you can bowl for lionger spells.
Right, leg muscles..mhmm
I've had my share of injuries with them, that kept me limping for a good 6 months. It was tennis related, not really cricket, but I guess its all pretty much the same thing.
Make sure you stretch 5 min before and after you bowl/bat/run/sprint. Very important
Sit on the chair and leave your legs hanging. 'Write' letters in the air-spell your name out- I like this stretch. For your calf muscle (thats what I injured)
Go against a wall and hold your arms against it, your elbows bent. stretch your back leg-first your calf, then your hamstring. switch legs. The position is hard to explain, i'll try and find a good site or something with pics.
Just watch what the international bowlers do on the field before a spell. hold your ankle to your back to stretch your hamstring...sit on the floor with one leg out and the other in and reach your ankles.
Hope this helped, and if you need any more help just PM me or post here. If it gets really stiff and you fail to stretch, even the smallest pressure will cause your muslces to tear, and its really unbearlable pain, imo-and it lasts forever.
If that does happen I suggest physiotherapy (sp)-I had to get it.

Also purchase this product called Bio-Freeze-and apply it to the area where you are stiff. Then firmly run over the muscle in with your two index fingers in a straight motion. Try and get any knots in your muscles straightened out.
Buy Bio-Freeze

Its a really great product. Seriously awesome. Highly suggest.

Most Physiotherapists in your area should carry it.
It worked very well on Sunday especially where I got 2 for 15 off 5 overs. I could actually stride to the crease.

I have to say the 'stretches' which worked best were the high knee running and the kicking back running. Almost_Austwick was right about walking, the simple walking between positions in the field is probably the reason I am looser later in the innings.

In the long term, would there be any way to stop me being stiff before taking to the field. What I mean, is what pre season training could I do to mean I am not stiff before cricket. I am already going to do sprinting (which will also help run up), using ankle weights as the new year approaches. I will also use the leg press machine in my school gym...would that be adequate?
It's not so much strength training as endurance and flexibility training.

The popular cry of yoga is not a bad idea or even pilates. Although you need to take advice at your age to make sure that you don't put any undue stress on growth plates, tendons and ligaments.
It's not so much strength training as endurance and flexibility training.

I don't want to do pilates because of the risks you stated, risking growth. I want to be as tall as possible to help with bounce off the pitch.

I only wanted some strength trainning because they are weak and I need them strong for my hang time jump in which I lose a lot of momentum.

So far it is going to be:

-Sprinting: To help with run up among other things
-Leg strength press: Strength for hang time
-Hamstring Stretch: 2 x 20s (each leg) daily (prescribed by physio)
-Groin Stretch: 2 x 20s (each leg) daily
-Squat: 10 x 3 times a day
I don't think you'll risk growth but there is a disease called Osgood-Schlatter's (not serious but is painful and can stop you playing sport for a while) which causes pain and swelling around the knee joint.

It's very common in teenage boys who play a lot of sport, which is why taking proper advice and rest is critical.

However, you're doing the right thing in taking advice from a physio although the yoga and pilates can be very good for giving core strength, which is vital to a pace bowler. Do a little bit of research into it and I'm sure you'll find a good compromise.

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