Lowest 20/20 score defended? Best 20/20 Bowling Figures?


Chairman of Selectors
Sep 23, 2005
Newark, UK
Online Cricket Games Owned
Just playted this 20/20 as Lancaster and was astounded my bowlers were able to defend 60allout without bowling them out. Just wondered wheter anyone had defended less or ,even tho he wasnt on my team, seen 20/20 bowling figures better than David Harrisons in this match

yh it happens wiv me alot.
I think its simply because after ur twenty overs the run rate for the computer to win is calculated and because of this the computer bats at the aggression to score the required run rate. For example if u score 190 then the computer will bat full aggression which is usually why they lose wickets quickly. If you were all out for say 20, the computer wud prob bat defensively seein as they only need one run per over lol if ya get me.

I been all out for 38 b4 and defended my score with the computer finishing with something like 26-2 lol its pathetic
My two best are 2.2-0-6-5 and 4-0-19-8 which I have posted in another thread. As far as defending low totals I never score anything below 100 so I have never had the chance. I don't know how you could only score 60 all out, that's a pretty bad effort.
My two best are 2.2-0-6-5 and 4-0-19-8 which I have posted in another thread. As far as defending low totals I never score anything below 100 so I have never had the chance. I don't know how you could only score 60 all out, that's a pretty bad effort.

it was a really bowler friendly pitch with cloudy conditions and i decided to play as you normally would in a 20/20 then went defensive but the wickets kept tumbling
Ryan Mclaren has my best 20-20 figures for me and sidebottoms figures have been the most economical i have ever had, they both came in the final against kent.

Can I just remind you all that there is also a records forum for this game.
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2021 season. Playing as Surrey. Normal Mode

Started the 20 Over Cup with a thumping win. Set Middlesex a target of 169 and look what my overseas Lankan spinner I.Pererra did to their batting....:p

Here's Brett Lee dishing out the first over of the day.

ICC 2005 - Does anyone play this online anymore? I've not seen anyone for some time D:

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