Making editors for cricket games

Bump! I have been trying my hand at VB and have made some apps. This is a Web Browser (I know it is very basic but it feels good :p) I have made. I'm trying something advanced as well. I hope I'll come up with it soon. Surely, it will be related to a cricket game.
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Its really quick. Works better than Mozilla for me. :D
KUTGW User2010. :)
I had made a small browser a year back. Don't remember whether I still have the source of it. :)
HI, I am trying to learn how to program using visual basic 2010. I am having problems learning from online tutorials and even the book I got because they just teach the basics to it which I have learned too many times. I want to know how I can view, open, edit binary files and this kind of stuff. I learn from posts by other people on websites and forums but this is not helping me learn as to why the code is what it is. Does someone have little time for me on a messenger to teach me some of it? My yahoo messenger ID is [email protected]
Right now I have been trying to edit a cricket revolution file just as a practice and playing around with some codes. I have managed to open file in visual basic but its only for viewing. This code I found from other forum so I can't feel proud of myself about it as its not written by me. I am so passionate about learning Visual basic so if someone has even 5 minutes for me once a week then it would help alot. I am ready to do alot of hard work because I have 3 months off from college now and I want to learn as much as i can during this break.
This is the code I used to open up the file but it is only showing the hex editor values such as 0B678BF8F5....:


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim saveloc As String = ""
Dim combinedfiles As String = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strText As String
Dim ofd1 As New OpenFileDialog
If ofd1.ShowDialog(Me) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

Dim carrierpath As String = ofd1.FileName
Dim btText() As Byte = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(carrierpath)

strText = BitConverter.ToString(btText).Replace("-", "")

TextBox1.Text = strText
End If

End Sub
End Class
Where is the browser? Why am i not been able to see?
HI, I am trying to learn how to program using visual basic 2010. I am having problems learning from online tutorials and even the book I got because they just teach the basics to it which I have learned too many times. I want to know how I can view, open, edit binary files and this kind of stuff. I learn from posts by other people on websites and forums but this is not helping me learn as to why the code is what it is. Does someone have little time for me on a messenger to teach me some of it? My yahoo messenger ID is [email protected]
Right now I have been trying to edit a cricket revolution file just as a practice and playing around with some codes. I have managed to open file in visual basic but its only for viewing. This code I found from other forum so I can't feel proud of myself about it as its not written by me. I am so passionate about learning Visual basic so if someone has even 5 minutes for me once a week then it would help alot. I am ready to do alot of hard work because I have 3 months off from college now and I want to learn as much as i can during this break.
This is the code I used to open up the file but it is only showing the hex editor values such as 0B678BF8F5....:

You need to use filestream and binaryreader.
You need to use filestream and binaryreader.

Can you give me a link to a tutorial that will tell me how to use filestream and binaryreader? I have tried couple of links myself but they don't tell anything. Probably cause I don't know if i am looking at the right thing or not as I don't know anything about it. BUt you know alot about it so you know what I will need to learn those so can you please provide me with a link to a tutorial for those?
Of the tutorials on the first page both the multiple abilities changer and the BLIC lineup editor make use of filestream and binaryreader.
@Barmyarmy- Your tutorials are teaching me alot and I think I am learning it very fast but there if one problem. I don't understand the concept of Bytes and Offsets.
For Example, In your Lineup display program it says:

FS.Seek((6144 + x * 3328), SeekOrigin.Begin)
6144 is the offset the first team is found at
3328 is how many bytes per team
Therefore we're adding 6144 to the team number times 3328. So first the loop will load team 0 at 6144 + 0*3328 then team 1 at 6144 + 1*3328 etc

I understand the whole process but I don't know how will I find the offset in the Hex editor? I don't have the BLIC05 file so I am trying to use this editor with Cricket 07 file. I have this hex editor (in pic below) and I have some kind of idea where the offsets are displayed and I have circled it. Can you tell me if I am correct about it?


1. My next question is that how will I figure out at what offset is the first team?

2. How do I figure out how many bytes does a certain team hold?

These are some questions which I need answers to in order to understand the concept of bytes and offsets. If I understand this then I will go further with the editor.

P.S. I am not making the Cricket 07 editor for a release or anything, I am just doing it to teach myself.

I don't need a reply just from Barmyarmy and anyone can answer this for me but still no one is replying. It would take me years to learn VB at this pace. Come on can someone explain this thing to me?

Its been 3 days since I am waiting for this. Can someone please reply to this? Thanks!

So no one feels the need to answer this?
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