Members info thread - Post about yourself here!

Apparently looking at the nominations spam a lot and live in the downloads forum :rolleyes:

lol yeah, hit the nail on the head. Im sure it won't end up like that in the end and the "secret voting" will surely put a stop to this kind of stuff :p
lol to go with that look at my download thread tom. Im sure that all the 3655 posts and 130000 views don't have to do with my downloads. My thread has become more like a general chat for the people that live oblivious to all but the downloads fourm:p


  • Mgic Dwnlds Info.JPG
    Mgic Dwnlds Info.JPG
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hello all am new member

hey everyone jus lettin u all know am new member here lookin to make me sum money on bets hopin to become highest earner wish me luck!!!:cheers
You have a LONG way to go Kayne :D

Welcome though! To get you started, have 1000vcash off-a me! :)
"My name's Kanye, but some of my plastics still say Kayne"

Welcome aboard. :D
Here is mine:

Screen ID: DPRA
aka: Lee
Favourite Sports:Cricket, football, Speedway, Rugby, F1, Rally
Likes: Music, Mobile, MSN, Cricket Training
Dislikes: Test matches, scousers (:p)
Likely to end up as a: Police officer / Fire Fighter
You dislike Test matches? That is blasphemous! Explain yourself!

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