Members info thread - Post about yourself here!

Screen ID:Gazza_11 (duh)
AKA: Gaz, Garlic, Sweatband, Gajan
Favourite Sports:Cricket, Field Hockey, Aussie Rules. Rugby Union,Tennis,Table Tennis and Liverpool :)
Likes: Reading, Writing, Sport...Troy :)
Dislikes: Communism, Overdone sarcasm, Losing
Likely to end up as: Something in politics, or as a writer.
Screen ID: CG123
AKA: Callum
POB: Auckland, New Zealand
Favourite Sports: Cricket, Golf, Field Hockey
Likes: Sport, TV, Computer, Watching Test Cricket
Dislikes: School, Homework, Study
Likely to end up as a: Fun job, which pays well
Yes! More people who find car talk annoying! I'm not alone!

Car talks just suck! But my classmates don't seem to realize that. God! They are infatuated with such shits! This car, that model.....blabbering whenever they get a chance. Have stickers, pics and what not of all the latest car models. Disgusting!
A car is essentially a box on wheels *shrugs*

A vehicle is a box on wheels.

A car is a magnificent beast, every inch of it glorious in it's perfection. Or in some cases, an elegant sexy little thing.

Screen ID: StickyWicket
Favourite Sports: Cricket, F1, table tennis, snooker, Pro wrestling if that counts
Likes: A lot of music, gaming, test cricket, philosophy, debating, and of course girls
Dislikes: Delusional people, the Australian Cricket team, blatantly stupid mass opinion that is passed off as true
Likely to end up as a: Dead person, eventually
Dislikes: Communism

A vehicle is a box on wheels.

A car is a magnificent beast, every inch of it glorious in it's perfection. Or in some cases, an elegant sexy little thing.

Screen ID: StickyWicket
Favourite Sports: Cricket, F1, table tennis, snooker, Pro wrestling if that counts
Likes: A lot of music, gaming, test cricket, philosophy, debating, and of course girls
Dislikes: Delusional people, the Australian Cricket team, blatantly stupid mass opinion that is passed off as true
Likely to end up as a: Dead person, eventually

Welcome StickyWicket.:)

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