Milestones Thread

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Ah I see. Lover's tiff ;)

Are gay marriages allowed in Aus? :p

Now what goes on between myself and Hooper is between us, but this post here Tom is definately the most spam filled i've seen since my mate got his lunch out earlier.
Excuse me?

What is with Australians and not being able to be faithful.

Take your stuff and get out.
What? Well after my reps declaring my love for you and not receiving any in return - McLovin knew he had to move on, I think you should be happy for the both of us, Will.
Woah guys, give it a rest now ;) I think me and hooper have spammed enough without Tom and your good self Will joining in ;)
What? Well after my reps declaring my love for you and not receiving any in return - McLovin knew he had to move on, I think you should be happy for the both of us, Will.

I sent you reps and flowers!

Anyway, this is my last off-topic post.
Wannabe mods shouldn't spam :o


(Mod Personality back ;))

Alright guys, let's get back on topic now. Milestones only now. Move along please ;)
Here's another milestone for me:

It's been exactly 5 minutes since Hooper broke my heart.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Nearly 3k reps so this post doesn't get deleted.
I sent you reps and flowers!

Anyway, this is my last off-topic post.

Guys, this is a milestone itself! Will declaring he will never post another off-topic post! This is almost good enough to put in my sig...
Let's be clear now. That was my last off-topic post in this discussion.
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