King Cricket
International Coach
Looks like a great game. Wow! 2009 is really a gaming year. FEAR 2, HITMAN 5, COD6- Yesseie!:happy
Looks like a great game. Wow! 2009 is really a gaming year. FEAR 2, HITMAN 5, COD6- Yesseie!:happy
If you were talking to me, then hell yes. CoD4 campaign was undoubtedly one of the best I've played. I really, really enjoy modern politics and the political landscape, and the story of the game just proves how authentic an experience that can be. Want to say more but don't want to give anything away for people who never played the game.
That's probably one of the obvious suggestions, but I would take quality over quantity any day. And that's what CoD4 was, IMO - pure quality. Btw, how long was CoD2's sp campaign?
It doesn't give away, but reveals quite a bit about the game. Go to MW2's official website - Modern Warfare 2, where the video is posted. You can analyze the video by pausing and zooming in, and find the hints that IW evidently left in that clip. Some posters from another forum found these: