Mohammad Yousuf and Younus Khan international careers terminated, others punished

The Younis-Yousef bans are shocking and outstandingly terrible. May we know the reason, wise PCB? :sarcasm
Read this guys as well, it should show you one aspect that we are missing, is the PCB to blame for all the current issues? TBH they should be. I was shocked initially but knowing PCB I reckon the players will be back soon enough.

Looking at the punishments Indiviually, the Akmal brothers deserved a fine, Afridi should have been fined as well. Stripping the captaincy from the best and ONLY man for the job was a horrendous decision one that is going to effect Pakistan cricket as a whole.

Malik, if all the rumours are true deserved a year ban to say the least. All previous captains havent been satisfied and his faction rumours have been going on for a while.

I dont really know much about Rana's ban, it seems foolish to say the least, how a guy who cant gurantee himself a spot in the playing XI is not supporting the captain. Thats the last thing a fringe player wants to do, get in an unnecessary situation

Younis and Yousef's bans have come out of the blue. What have they done wrong? The astounding reasons given by the PCB are laughable at best. Infighting, I am guessing would result in maximum of a year ban or fine. The only resonable reason seems to be match-fixing. Younis cant be responsible for the NZ semifinal defeat, I mean it was simply a drop, and he had a broken finger as well. Yousef is less defendable.

I really dont know where PCB are gonna go with this. Its only lose-lose situation from here onwards
The declining graph of Pak cricket continues.......

It's dark night with no sun light for the cricket of Pak
I think this was a great move by the PCB. They've been accused of being too soft and letting players off the hook and not reacting to problems...but this time they've stuck to their guns and have sent out a strong message.

Yousuf I believe was either because of infighting or match fixing. Cricinfo says infighting, but I wouldn't rule out the latter. Younis because I guess the board of sick of his tantrums and taking captaincy and dropping captaincy and general mood-swings. Plus he's criticises the team and board in public. They've just had enough.

Malik and Naved, I have no idea, but I guess that's good. If it's something light match fixing or infighting, the fact that they've dealt out the punishment but kept the incident itself quiet is pretty good. Protects the dignity of the players and doesn't turn the whole thing into a circus.

Akmals and Afridi are fair enough.

Overall, a very strong statement sent out to any potential members and the rest of the side, and a good chance to find some new talent. Maybe a decent wicketkeeper for a change.
Man that's a shame, I just can't take the 'life' ban on Younis and Yousuf. Will they still be able to play domestic cricket?
Yes. It's no a life ban, they've just been fired from the Pakistan National Team. They'll never represent Pakistan again, but can play anywhere else they want to.
They are such a great players how can u ban them for life .pcb is a piece of sh1t :facepalm:facepalm AND if banning such great players.they should give a clear enough reason for the ban.even being a indian i loved m. yousuf and younus khans batting they were pakistans best players without them how can pakistan survive??/
I think its quite a good move actually, but they need to officially explain more. Yousuf is somewhat obvious, his tactics and shameful dressing down of Butt in the media was awful. Younis, well thats a surprise. I really like his attitude, always happy and a jolly fellow it seems, I just cant believe he would be involved in match fixing, he is a genuine hard worker and a fine fine player.

Afridi, I cant believe the serial cheater isnt banned for 2 lives.
This would mean Misbah Ul Haq will be back in action for Pakistan and will probably captain the side as well.
For Younis's captaincy soaps, you can give him a max of a year ban, not a lifetime ban from the Pakistan team. Another viewpoint from Kamran Abbasi of cricinfo

When Younis Khan stepped down because a group of players refused to back him, the cricket board should have supported the captain. Instead, Mr Butt and his fellows undermined the institution of the national captaincy.

Younis has been an idiot at times, but is his latest decision to resign from captaincy should be understood, many people would have dont the very same. No one wants to captain a team that doesnt support the leader
Now the banned Pakistani players can represent the ICL. This will lead to resurrection of the ICL probably.

icyman added 2 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...

For Younis's captaincy soaps, you can give him a max of a year ban, not a lifetime ban from the Pakistan team. Another viewpoint from Kamran Abbasi of cricinfo

Younis has been an idiot at times, but is his latest decision to resign from captaincy should be understood, many people would have dont the very same. No one wants to captain a team that doesnt support the leader

He has been idiotic throughout. I am happy that he has been given a life-ban, though I feel the one on Yousuf is a bit harsh.

Younis has left the position atleast twice or thrice and this is not good for any country. If you are the captain of the national side, learn to respect the position.He deserves it.

icyman added 1 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

Ban the PCB. That's how to deal with it.

It not as if they are preaching Apartheid, is it ? No need to ban the PCB.
I think this was a great move by the PCB. They've been accused of being too soft and letting players off the hook and not reacting to problems...but this time they've stuck to their guns and have sent out a strong message.
Like their team, they swing between extremes. They've tipped their hand; they can't replicate an act this grave any time soon, so inevitably they will soften up at some point.
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I think this is a big decision taken by the PCB. The infighting was costing Pakistan cricket more dearly. You can't win games against the top teams if players are not united. I seriously think that Yousuf, Malik and Younis were in this. I like Younis as a person and what he stands for but he was very volatile. This all started by handing Malik the captaincy ala Smith from South Africa. But we have to understand that seniority plays a big role in Pakistan.

I think by handing out these bans they are trying to give the message that even if you are a senior, if you don't think for Pakistan first you are bound to go. I think this will be a good message for the youngsters. There is no dearth in talent for Pakistan, I am sure great players will keep on coming. Therefore, this was a necessary step to do cleansing. Just the other day Shahid Afridi had an ego meltdown in the domestic competition.

No player apart from Imran Khan that I can remember had a smooth retirement. Everyone else had to go through public scrutuniy before retiring. Mohd Yousuf and Younis Khan are already old and would have not lasted for 2 years anyways.

Now saying all that, I would have really supported this decision if it would have done by CA or South African board, but given that the people who run PCB are as factionalised and not more and Butt is the most idiotic PCB head in my lifetime.

Look at Indian team, Dhoni came in when India had 4-5 seniors with immense power. but they all played under Dhoni and are doing very well. In Pakistan everyone wants to be captain just because they are seniors. This had to end.
I think both younis and yousuf will be brought back after the 20-20 world cup,probably the best time to ban them was now as they wont be playing the 20-20 world cup anyway.

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