Most hours played?

A computer gamer has died in Taiwan after a three-day online binge of combat games, the second "sudden death" of an Internet cafe patron in the country this year.

Staff of the game centre in the city of Kaohsiung told The Taipei Times that the 32-year-old man, only identified by his surname, Hsieh, appeared to be sleeping.
"Mr Hsieh was a regular customer here and always played for consecutive days", an employee told the paper. "When tired, he would sleep face-down on the table or doze off slumped in his chair. That is why we were not aware of his condition in the beginning."

Mr Hsieh was rushed to a hospital when staff finally realised that he was not breathing, although doctors could only pronounce him dead.
Hospital authorities said there were no signs of external injuries and confirmed that Mr Hsieh had died from cardiac failure brought on by prolonged and intense game-playing.

An official of the city's police force said patrols would be stepped up to visit game centres to warn players of the need to "get up and move around after every two hours of computer gaming".

On January 1, a 38-year-old man was found dead in an Internet cafe in Taipei after five straight days of playing computer games.
In both incidents, police have expressed their displeasure at the apparent disinterest of fellow game-players in the arcades.

"We went inside to cordon off the tables and we had investigators there to gather evidence," a police spokesman said. "Only then did the other patrons realise that someone had died, but they still showed no concern and kept playing their games.
"We were amazed at their nonchalant attitude." (from the telegraph)

What struck me as odd is when and how did he go for a toilet break? Apart from the fact that no one noticed he was dead.
What struck me as odd is when and how did he go for a toilet break? Apart from the fact that no one noticed he was dead.

That is what even I was thinking when I read the post. Wont they even move from the Television set or Computer if they start playing.

Five Striaght days of Gaming ???? :eek: Won't they close the games parlour

Thank god, the games parlour in here has an opening and closing time. Otherwise I would have been dead long time back.
Surely when your playing a game and look up for a few seconds to realise the bloke on the opposite table is looking a bit grey. I can do about six hours with Bradman and that is long but then I get restless.
It says even after other gamers became aware of his death, they showed no concern.

No hope for the human race

Crossed 1200 Hrs....
LoL - Don't send me messages!

That's a call to action if ever I saw one :p
Yet you still haven't done all the achievements...
I am sure after he does that we'll come to know how many hours does it literally take to complete all achievements (I know hardly anybody cares for achievements though)
I'm pretty close to getting all the trophies for the ps4 game, getting 100 wickets w my career guy will mean I need to create a bowler though. I'm at 5000 runs or so, about 180 wickets and 70 catches, so I can see how I will eventually get them all. I'm sure some people boost the run total by playing test matches on rookie with South Africa against Russia or something... A few on had 100% within a week
The test match on legend will probably be the one I'll never get. I'm getting a lot better with my bowling so I can restrict the AI to a reasonable total, but I can't keep in with the bat at that difficulty.

I just unlocked the 800 wickets one for bowling with this wicket:

I got two more in that over, taking me to 3-13 for that innings.
not exactly on topic (re the video) but the animation for playing that shot is just horrible ie. back foot hook shot. The batsman steps straight back...IRL the batsman tends to step back and/or left to open themselves up for the shot (a good example is Shane Watson).

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