Most Underated Bowler

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stevie said:
Discounting Gillespie's performance through 2005, he has been truly world class just about all of the time, that's not something to laugh at. Need I remind you of his 20 wickets at 16.15 through the 2004 series v India in India?

Shoaib has for much of his career been a show pony and utterly obsessed by bowling as fast as he can. I know who I'd rather have in my side. Also take a look at his performances through the Australian domestic season, quality performer.

Jason was a good bowler noone is denying that but that is no longer the case, so there is no point talking about Jason, or else we might see ppl start talking about Donald or W's.

Whether Shoaib was obsessed with pace or not, one can't deny the fact that he's a match winning bowler and he was one of the guy that led to England's downfall in the recent series.It doesn't matter what you say about him, what matters is as to what English captain in Vaughan had to say about Akhtar at the end of the tour.

Comparing Shoaib with Jason is plain stupid as one is a leading bowler of his team and the other one is out of the team and isn't likely to ever get to picked again by ever improving Aussies.

stevie said:
Do not under estimate our bowling attack (seam bowlers anyway!). You do it will cost you.

The same bowling attack that wasn't able to beat Pakistan :p .

May i remind you that indian batsmen are ten time better than the weak Pak batsmen, i'm sorry to say but your bowler will fail in India.

When Akhtar himself isn't able to make any impression on Indian batsmen then how can one expect English bowlers to trouble the Indian batters???

And Akhtar certainly can bowl better than English bowlers in India and Pak (this is a valid comparion) ..proof is the recently concluded Pak-English series.

In one interesting article i read that England shouldn't be much bothered about their perormance in India, but instead they should be looking at the next Ashes series.

I think deep down England knows that they will lose in India and will lose badly.
I haven't said Shoaib is a bad bowler, but he certainly wouldn't get into my side ahead of a firing Jason Gillespie. I want team players, I want fully committed players, not show ponies.

Oh for goodness sake! Did you even watch the Pakistan series? Our batsman lost us the series, not the bowlers. Had the batsman actually performed we would've won in Pakistan. But the fact is they didn't and we lost badly. It is stupidity to discount our bowlers. I suspect I am also right in thinking pitches in India are far better test match pitches than what we have seen in Pakistan of late.

Go back through the series and ask yourself how many of our batsmen were actually got out through good bowling. Fact is our batsmen lost the series more than Pakistan bowlers won it, but that's not to discount Pakistan's performance and they thoroughly deserved to win.

You don't cover yourself in glory either when you say the Pakistan batsman are weak. The same Pakistan side that drew with you in the last series and thrashed you in the following ODI series. The same Pakistan side that has scored alot of runs in the current series, granted, not as many as India but it's still ALOT of runs (regardless of the pitches).

In one interesting article i read that England shouldn't be much bothered about their perormance in India, but instead they should be looking at the next Ashes series.

Whoever said that needs to be shot, utterly ridiculous comment.

Anyway, until this thread returns to it's intended topic and some intelligent conversation restored I will be ignoring it, it's become a joke.
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Listen up Wahwah, Gillespie may be over the hill, he may not, the point is that he is far more of a legend then Akhtar, well globally anyway.
stevie said:
I haven't said Shoaib is a bad bowler, but he certainly wouldn't get into my side ahead of a firing Jason Gillespie. I want team players, I want fully committed players, not show ponies.


Lately Akhtar has been a team player, when he wasn't he was dropped from Pak team, now that he has changed he is back into the team.Both in the series agsinst England and even on the current one, he has been totally committed.

AS for Jason, he might have been a one of the game great, but that ISN'T the case anymore, therefore its futile discussing about him.

Oh for goodness sake! Did you even watch the Pakistan series? Our batsman lost us the series, not the bowlers. Had the batsman actually performed we would've won in Pakistan. But the fact is they didn't and we lost badly. It is stupidity to discount our bowlers. I suspect I am also right in thinking pitches in India are far better test match pitches than what we have seen in Pakistan of late.

Did you actually watched it?? you CANNOT discredit the bowlers by saying that your batsmen lost the series.Also if the pitches were so bad then it was ALL THE MORE difficult for the pacers to bowl to batsmen, yet Akhtar and Rana bowled their hearts out.ON pitches like this a bowler gets man of match for getting 5 wkts in two innings (RPS) , if someone gets 17 in 3 matches then he must have done something special.

Go back through the series and ask yourself how many of our batsmen were actually got out through good bowling. Fact is our batsmen lost the series more than Pakistan bowlers won it, but that's not to discount Pakistan's performance and they thoroughly deserved to win.

With attitude like that your team will NEVER IMPROVE. Fact remains that Akhtar and Danish totally mesmerized the English batters.

The same Pakistan side that drew with you in the last series and thrashed you in the following ODI series. The same Pakistan side that has scored alot of runs in the current series, granted, not as many as India but it's still ALOT of runs (regardless of the pitches).

There is a difference b/w drawing a series and a 2-0 loss, i thought you would know that!! Also ODI are diff format of the games and Pak are a good OD side

Anyway, until this thread returns to it's intended topic and some intelligent conversation restored I will be ignoring it, it's become a joke.

Save some jokes for English team's performance against India.England will lose to India not coz of good bowling but coz of poor wkt, hot weather etc.
With attitude like that your team will NEVER IMPROVE. Fact remains that Akhtar and Danish totally mesmerized the English batters.

Not really. Just awful shots. They didnt do anything special. Especially Shoaib, he is a purely average bowler.
Well, now that you've answered everything Wahwah, theres no point in this forum existing :p

James, whats up with the chat thing?
JamesyJames3 said:
Not really. Just awful shots. They didnt do anything special. Especially Shoaib, he is a purely average bowler.

LOL! If he's an average bowler, then one must agree to the fact that England has the worst batting lineup in cricket word :p
Wahindiawah said:
LOL! If he's an average bowler, then one must agree to the fact that England has the worst batting lineup in cricket word :p

One musn't. The fact he's an average bowler is neither here nore there, the fact we played badshots is.
Wahindiawah said:
LOL! If he's an average bowler, then one must agree to the fact that England has the worst batting lineup in cricket word :p

As we've said. we dont have the worst batting attack in the world. Thats evident. We beat the Australians. When did Pakistan last do that?

Shoaib just chucked it down, and the English played terrible shots. They all looked rough at times. Although credit to Ian Bell.
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