Thanks for uploading the videos angad

Here are some quick-hit thoughts and questions after watching the video...
1. The in-game music really gets on your nerve and I can't imagine playing with that in the back-ground. Is it possible to turn it off?
2. You hear "Left Hand Batsman" or "Right Hand Batsman" but looks like batting handedness will depend on the Move user. Did the game penalize you when you try to play as a right handed batsman with a left handed batsman in terms of run scoring being more difficult or finding timing the shots a tad more difficult?
3. How do you hit ground and lofted shots? Do you have to press a button to hit the lofted shots? Curious to know how the game/Move decides it's a lofted shots instead of a ground shot.
4. Move captures the bat movement but what about the feet movement? I mean in real cricket most important aspect of the batting is getting the feet to the pitch of the ball. You need to be positively back when playing a short ball and be on the front to drive a fuller length one. How does the game handle this aspect of the game?