Naresh's GFX

How are my works

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Its definately a better version but still dont like the font. Its also needs to be shifted toward right just a bit. But definately its filling up the sapce ange giving the sig a great look. KIU!
well its a slight improvement but i would go for an underwater feel, make try to make something work with that, text is not good id say smaller and darker and on the right side. put a few underwater photofilters throughout.. maybe a solid colour layer of gray on exclusion, lower the opacity less contrast
Well,Ill try making yet another version mate.Thanks.

Amiya's request.
Thats an amazing banner with absolutely crap text. The effects you've added to the logos and background are awesome. Lighting, texture work, size everything is awesome. But text which the most important part of a banner is pathetic. It bearly readable. I am liking the font you've used for 'Cri...the' but the 'Subcontinent' font sucks. The black colour you've chosen for the font is the main let down. If you have the psd change the font. It would be really great with a new font.
A sachin wallpaper.

naresh091 added 2 Minutes and 30 Seconds later...

Thanks to Leggie's awesome cut.
Second Version Banner : The font is much better but I think you didn't read my comment. I said the black colour was let down. Just change that colour to any other colour.

Tendulkar Wall : Amazing wall tbh. I like the cloud background. The blackis texture you've used is also good but some parts need to be rased. Render needs more blending. Sachin text is good. One text should do. Dont add too many texts as the font you've used for sachin tendulkar is bad. KIU!
Oh yeah I always realise the flaws after posting it.I just now saw the parts to be erased.
And about the banner,he was content with that so Ill leave it as it is.
Thanks for the comments man.:cheers

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