Naresh's GFX

How are my works

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A messi sig.Hope its not messy :p
um i don't know...
its not messy but not neat as well...
it looks very random, i mean the bg..
and well as far the render goes, the effects are well frankly "Boring"...
and the text well ok but stickin it out of the sig = not a good idea...
and i guess you had a thought that it was a little messy after completing it, well then u could have gave a finishing touch to it...
well not really liking this one, you can do better mate...;)

fear_09 added 17 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...

i gave it a finishing touch to make the bg better...

its kind of a cool effect for a finishing touch or something, i think i'll make a tut on this effect..
Last edited:
Yeah I do give some finishing touches with photo filters,color fills and gradients,etc but thought this was fine.Also I wanted the bg as it was.So dint do much.

And I like your finish mate.The colors are flowing well together.Nice job.Thanks.
Yeah make a tut ,its always appreciated.
I know this is bad.I made this is about 2 minutes I guess.

naresh091 added 57 Minutes and 51 Seconds later...

A Stevn Gerrard Manip Wallie

Im liking it though its looking simple.
Lionel sig : Its not clean. Its too bright for me. Render effects are a let down. Background needs lot of work. Text is fine but its not good for my liking.

Sehwag Wall : Background is the best part. Blue works well though the left hand side could have been better. The black textures look decent. The swirl bursh looks horrible. A dull render makes it boring. Text needs work.

Gerrard Wall : One of your best peices. The lighting is focused well. I like how gerrard is sticking out. Text is good too.

Beckham Wall : The background is too grungy. It looks messy. Blending is very nice though. You have used variety of fonts but text sucks in this. Like the idea of the kit. The second render on the right also looks well. The render on the left needs his face to be cleared.

KIU! :)
Can I get a Badri wallpaper similar to the Gerrard one?
Will do if I get a nice stock mate.BTW if you havent seen,I've already made a Badri Wallpaper.
Check this link
Lionel sig : Its not clean. Its too bright for me. Render effects are a let down. Background needs lot of work. Text is fine but its not good for my liking.

Sehwag Wall : Background is the best part. Blue works well though the left hand side could have been better. The black textures look decent. The swirl bursh looks horrible. A dull render makes it boring. Text needs work.

Gerrard Wall : One of your best peices. The lighting is focused well. I like how gerrard is sticking out. Text is good too.

Beckham Wall : The background is too grungy. It looks messy. Blending is very nice though. You have used variety of fonts but text sucks in this. Like the idea of the kit. The second render on the right also looks well. The render on the left needs his face to be cleared.

KIU! :)
Thanks mate.As I said before I myself dint like the Viru Wall much.But dint hate it too.
BTW I wanted the left render in the Becks wallpaper,to be behind those text and other grunge textures to get that effect(I couldnt describe it better).
Thanks a lot for those comments mate.It would have taken some time.:)
seriously dude your manips are classy!!
gerrard and badri wallies both just rock!! the lighting focus is great!!

bekham wally is fine for me, in fact its great, but the extra renders should be less opaque and a little more clearer if they are to really be there...
but one thing've improved like anything!!!
Wow Thanks a lot Nitin.
Its really touching to hear such comments(Im serious).
I thought the Badri wallpaper isnt upto the mark.But yeah tastes differ.Thanks a lot mate.

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