Naresh's GFX

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Chetan's request Ishant Sharma wallpaper done.


I dint add border to it for a reason.
Here is a version with a border.

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Yet another dhoni siggie



naresh091 added 4 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

BTW can i get some comments?
This is my fifth consecutive post.(though i accept im doing things every 12 hours,but not even a single comment?)
Yuvi sig is simply fantastic! Your best so far I think. Nothing more to say on that really. That's just plain fantastic.

The next one is also good, but room for improvement there. The colors are a bit sharp I think. Text as well.

Well done with that Kaka sig as well. I'll go with the B&W version. The others need better colors I think. Text could be better.

Ishant wallpaper is good but nothing special there. You've used the fire texture well, but overall it needs to be more convincing, that the player and fire are together. Text as well!

Dhoni sigs: The latest ones you posted have very good backgrounds but text is poor and the choice of render is not helping your case there. Actually that yellow of the kit itself is quite appalling, so I don't know who to blame!:P Anyways text needs lot more improvement.

Seriously text is one area you need to improve on, you are pretty good at the others. That said you try and polish your other areas as well. Like blending, for example in that Ishant wallpaper to make things more convincing. Congrats again on that Yuvi sig. It really is your best work so far, really good!

Thanks mate.I too hate the chennai kit colour.But what to say lol...
Thanks for those advices mukund.It helps a lot.
A simple dhoni pencil sketch wallie

I prefer the first of the two dhoni sig. I like the rounded corners and the background. Render is plain though. Text in both needs improvement.

Dhoni wall is very good. The sketch look works but the splatter and text needs some work. Also that black shadow around render is not looking good. But still as I said it very good. :)
Thanks mate.And yeah that sachin sig you are using now almost looks like that pato sig you made earlier.It suits well with the bg.Good work mate.
For all die hard Badri fans out there,including me.


Tell me if anybody needs a border less version.
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It looks good mate. But this has got only one texture mate?! Also the text needs HUGE improvent in this. Also use a soft brush eraser near his right foot. The image their is still rectangle shaped. Nevertheless, its still decent.
Yeah I knew in my recent works the text sucks a lot.
And on the stock,I found that rectangle edge after I finished the wallpaper.So left it as it is.Also I used only a stock and not a render.Will try doing another version mate.
And yeah I used only one texture for render effects.But used 6 or seven for the background.

naresh091 added 24 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

A border less as well as an improved version I guess
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No comments uh?
Anyway Im mad of Wallies now.
Have tried a lot in improving myself with text.


I like V2.Nice and simple.Tell your views.
v2 is very nice...
though i do not like wallpapers with big renders, it looks quite good, the text is nice and simple, render effects are fabulous, putting the club kit there wasn't a bad idea either...background is a bit plain but it doesn't really matter cause people would be so focused on the other stuff, they would hardly notice the background (like me:D)....
the only thing that bothers me is his face, i hate ibra's face, he's ugly! :p


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