Naresh's GFX

How are my works

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I see what you are trying, and I like it but you need a scratch or wall on low opacity on the left hand side. The colours are great and lighting looks ok, but the render could do without the lines. The background on the right of him looks a little contrasted though and the text needs to be improved. kiu mate, your learning fast!
Yeah thanks Matt,i should have used some bg textures.I can see the left hand side blank.Will improve on it.
Thanks for the appreciation.
Any liverpool fans here?
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If anyone still isn't a fan of liverpool, they will be after seeing this wallpaper. Great coloring, great composition, great textures usage, decent yet excellent piece of lighting on the render.

Great. Can't believe i haven't got a post in this thread! Never mind, i apologize for responding lately.

KUTGW, You're far better than thought! I remember seeing your works at times, but never exactly got time to comment.

Good work. Can't give many Suggestions if they are(!) at present :), But try sticking to a style for once and vary, say, for 2-4 days, work on a style, then go for a change slowly, try to change as many things you find to be good when changed in your works, not completely! That'll give more versatility.

Good work! KIU! :)..
Thanks a lot KBC.I was waiting for a post from you really lol.
Got everything you said.Will have them in mind when i do things.
Thanks again for the comment.
Im mad with GFX.

Friend863's request.





My favorite is the fourth version.Whats yours?
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wow that yuvi sig is exceptoinal....Godness me am in love with that sig....well done buddy...KIU
Yeah man Yuvi V4 is godlike :hpraise

The Bojan sig is also excellent, however I feel the brushes on his arms should maybe be rubbed out.
Made a kaka sig though Im having my physics exam tommorow.
As usual made multiple versions.C+C


Hope your exam went well.

Seeing as how you are online right now, and Man D are in dire need of a logo, mind coming on MSN and whipping one up quick with me? I'd really appreciate it.

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