Naresh's GFX

How are my works

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Yeah, I think you used the Magic Wand Tool on those lines.
Yup.Was not satisfied with any layer blending mode,so used the MW tool to remove the white background.
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Don't use the magic wand tool to cut from now onwards, it results in very jagged edges.
Reps for Ballack's sig, btw where do you get those resouces(textures, not renders) from?
lol I already answered this is msn bibu.Search in deviant art or download packs and resources in footiearts and
BTW thanks a lot for the reps.

Don't use the magic wand tool to cut from now onwards, it results in very jagged edges.
Fine sharavan.But I cant use that cable texture above the render then.I wont do that again.

naresh091 added 36 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...


What do you guys think of this?
Great improvement with the text. Kudos to you on that. I like the simple background, goes well with the big text and I like how you've blended the render behind the text. I don't think there's a need for a reflection render on the bottom, I would keep the bottom untouched. The render effects are very good (maybe could be less saturated) but I don't like the blur around him. I would have preferred a more crisp render with the edges visible. The light texture also works very well. Keep it up! Your best yet.
Thanks shravan.Yeah I thought of not blending the render too much ,but I cut the render very badly while cutting from the stock.So had to hide the background in it.Also I felt that the bottom was empty so made the reflection.Thanks a lot for the appreciation.
oh!!! Brilliant Rafa over there naresh.....Btw will check Fedex and tell you but for this reps if i can:hpraise:hpraise
checked out Fedex good one but didn't really like the background though can you make something different? anyway good work:happy
You're learning quickly man. I love the backgruond, It really sets a nice tone for the rest of the sig. Render placement and effects are also very pleasing. However I feel the Sig has too much of the colour red in it and I feel the text placement and choice could also be better, Then again I can't exactly talk considering I suck at Text.

Keep up the good work :thumbs
Thanks a lot sanjay bhai.After finishing the sig I did get the doubt if I had overdid the render effects.Anyways thanks for the comments.

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