New alternate batting and bowling controls???



Was wondering if anyone else had any ideas for a new or alternate control scheme for batting and bowling?. The current bowling controls are pretty well perfect in my opinion, other than spin bowling... it feels a bit like rubbing tummy tapping head torture! But pace bowling is great! It feels really responsive to what I've input into my controller to the minute fraction of an angle. Batting on the other doesn't always feel as if the ball is going where I've intended it to go, especially legside shots which can feel like a lottery at times. If anyone's got suggestions that'd be great guns, I'll start it off.. for batting have the LAS stick the direction of shots and a combination of triggers and RAS stick for footwork and striking, anyways look forward to hearing any thoughts!!
Nah, the controls are fine.
The controls are fine. Batting still needs some refinements though, e.g. a front foot shot to mid wicket and easier nudging of balls in the infield.
Yep, batting does need work, it's over complicated, most people on these forums admits it's premeditated against fast bowlers, there has to be a change of tactics of some sort..
I like it :) what button/stick would you use for footwork though?
Didn't the controls previously to do that, and the community decided they wanted it mapped to the button pad? I can't remember... I vaguely remember the RAS having a defensive-shot?
R3 was leave originally, it was moved because people were getting out because they accidentally left the ball instead of play at it
Pulling the RAS backwards currently results in that weird aerial cut shot that the AI loves. I've had the game since release and the RAS didn't defend then. It may have done in the academy pre-release I suppose as I never tried that.

@salter, I'd leave the footwork as it is to be honest. Though I wouldn't mind being able to choose a guard somehow rather than shuffling round the crease before the ball is bowled.
It looks a bit like a ramp if the ball is short, but to a full delivery the animation is more like a late cut though the ball can go miles if you time it which doesn't really seem realistic.
Haha I've got no idea how to tag you mate rayr27, but yes opening up your stance would be a cool idea. And yeah I really dislike the look of that aerial late cut shot thing lol, umm anyway I've thought of a different control scheme and I'll try to make sense of it, no guarantees, But here goes anyway..... I'm using a ps4 controller as my demo. Basically instead of using the RAS for shots I'd like to use triggers as my shots, and use the sticks as RAS for footwork and batsman movement, right up until I've played a shot (I'm pretty sure atm the batsmans locked into position once the bowler is close to the crease) so I could get inside the line, outside the line, or inline the line (haha not even sure that's an expression lol). And use the LAS as the shot direction, coupled with the triggers for timing of the shot.
  • LAS - shot direction
  • RAS - footwork and movement of batsman (or just vice versa)
  • L1 - block
  • L2 - grounded shot
  • R1 - nudge
  • R2 - lofted And this is just me thinking out loud really, just a rough idea and suggestion is all!
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