New Banner

i like the banners iam seeing their wonderful hope they change
Can I have a go? I know it'll be nothing compared to Lucky's, Briggsey's, Usman's or Surabh but still, can I try.
simple one !


Nice man. Perhaps you should put just '' at the botttom left corner.
Here's my effort: I had a problem though. I made the real cricketer's images 65% opacity but when I put the two texts things they do not come clearly as you see. I am only 13, so please give me a clear but understandable explanation of what to do or please edit for me.


  • Planetcricket copy.bmp
    74.3 KB · Views: 71
Last edited:
Is it that bad? Nobody's replying? Sorry if I accidentally made this thread deserted.
If you could please upload the .psd (photoshop file) file then i will edit it and also tell you what the problem was.
Here it is saurabh2185:


  • Planetcricket.psd
    493.6 KB · Views: 4
Ok shravi i have redone your banner. You just have to bring the Text Layers in front of all other layers by draging them. As you have appiled 65% opacity that why they are visible otherwise you will not see anything.


    342.3 KB · Views: 4
Thanks to Surabh I have finished my banner. All credit goes to him.


    342.4 KB · Views: 7

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