New interview

The white meter on the far right of the indicators is the batsman's timing gauge: this displays after playing a shot to show you whether your timing was early, late or bang on: with this you can learn to adapt your timing accordingly for each shot.

Excellent, excellent, excellent. I'm very pleased to see this and delighted to discover that they had the presence of mind to include this. Now I can find out whether or not I was late, early, or spot on with each and every delivery. Cricket 2004 frustrated me to no end, because I would miss the ball when I felt I really judged it many times I would yell "WHAT? WHY DID HE MISS THAT? WHY???". Trust me, that got old fast.

Now at least I'll be able to find out why I'm batting poorly :rolleyes:
Whoa let me get to the point is there is DL Method and rain in the game or no. Just to make sure is it included in BLIC.
vibs89 said:
Whoa let me get to the point is there is DL Method and rain in the game or no. Just to make sure is it included in BLIC.
As you'd know if you read the interview, no
In the previous facts of the day it said there will be D/L Rain Method so why did they cancel it off.
SkateBoarder2 said:
D/L makes the game more exciting.
Codemasters decided to exclude D/L because they felt that we would be annoyed by interruptions to the game by rain. Whether or not we agree with this is irrelevant. They made a decision and moved on.
and more importantly they didnt say that they didnt include the D method is because the gamers are too stupid to understand it ala andrew wilson
Wats the big whine about not having the d/l method, there`s so much of confusion about it anyway in real cricket; imagine having to code all those damn permutations and combinations in there. bEsides the developers r right when they say that having the d/l would mak fer sum frustrating times , imagine being in a tight situation only fer d/l to come in and leave u stranded ala S.A.

just my 2 cents
CaptainOZ said:
Codemasters decided to exclude D/L because they felt that we would be annoyed by interruptions to the game by rain.
Well thats what they told us anyway
Originally Posted by CaptainOZ
Codemasters decided to exclude D/L because they felt that we would be annoyed by interruptions to the game by rain.

Well thats what they told us anyway

My guess is that the developers couldn't implement it satisfactorily in time for the release?
brad352 said:
Well thats what they told us anyway
There hasn't been any solid reason to suspect that Codemasters have told us any untruths. RG has assured us that there has been no lying.

EA on the other hand...

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